May 13 – Malaysian Interracial Hook-up Day!
By U-Jean Chng (First published in Facebook)
Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010
Time: 12 midnight – 11.30pm
Location: Anywhere!
Hey Malaysians!
Guess what? MAY 13 is coming again!! *throws confetti!* Just like each year, we are reminded of THE Peristiwa Tiga Belas Mei.
A bit boring kan?
Let’s do things a bit differently this year. Instead of going to monoracial gatherings like the one happening at Gong Badak, why don’t we all have multiracial gatherings instead!
It’s about time that we reclaim May 13 for ourselves and tell people who want to divide us Malaysians to keep their mouth shut because WE ARE MOVING ON. We are moving on from racist ideologies and we are moving into a Malaysian ideology, one that respects and celebrates diversity and equality.