Homeless Minister of Malaysia
We UMNO are blameless. We are Gods!! You shall pay UMNO taxes, so that everything can be YOUR fault. Look at my RM250,000 Philippe Patek Watch. This is Taxpayers’ money. You must be grateful. You are all pendatangs. I too am a pendatang but I have managed to lie to you and now am in charge; and in control. I will use the ISA, which is under MY jurisdiction to arrest all of you who complain!! I will hide under the skirt of Allah so that no one can question my Faith, and make myself invincible!!!
Written by John Doe
A pathetic bleat came from London yesterday, basically and plainly stating, “Happy Mother’s Day. Screw all you Malaysian women, for making MY Homeless Ministry look bad. If you get Raped, it’s YOUR fault! If your House gets Robbed, it’s Your fault! If your children get killed by Malaysian Police Officers, twice in the same month, it’s still YOUR Fault! We UMNO are blameless. We are Gods!! You shall pay UMNO taxes, so that everything can be YOUR fault. Look at my RM250,000 Philippe Patek Watch. This is Taxpayers’ money. You must be grateful. You are all pendatangs. I too am a pendatang but I have managed to lie to you and now am in charge; and in control. I will use the ISA, which is under MY jurisdiction to arrest all of you who complain!! I will hide under the skirt of Allah, so that no one can question my Faith, and make myself invincible!!! As far as you are concerned, I might as well be YOUR Allah!! Worship me!! And pay me Zakat, and Tithes.”
Even worse, he said this to young children, who have yet to finish school. Possibly even to his imminent-replacement sitting in the crowd, staring bleary-eyed at the semi-Turkish Migrant who went on a vomit of mindless-babble. To this semi-Turk, who seemed to have forgotten his origins, let me set the record straight for this History-Denier.
The original Turkish people, of Mongoloid Origin, were the real founders and masters of the Ottoman Empire, which was largely made possible from the Mongol Empire’s subjugation of the Sultanate of Rûm, itself ruled by the descendants of significant population of ethnically Mongoloid Turks (i.e. ethnic groups physically resembling that of Mongolian, Tibetan, Han Chinese, Manchurian, Korean, Japanese, etc, but speaking the original Turkic language that was born in the region covering modern-day northern China and Mongolia), otherwise known as Seljuks. It was from the Seljuks that the Turkic language became a standard. The Ottoman ‘Turks’ had culturally and ethnically evolved since medieval times from some inter-racial mixing of Caucasoid Indo-Europeans and Mongoloid Turco-Mongols, but have become increasingly Caucasoid Indo-European since the beginning of the Ottoman Empire.
In spite of this, the people of the Ottoman Empire still prefer to call themselves ‘Turks’, an ethnic and genetic misnomer which has remained to this day that identifies not only those cultures of people with original Mongoloid (and hybrid) characteristics, but also anybody from Europe to Asia who speak a Turkic-derived language, and any national of the nation of Turkey.
Now that we all know who the REAL Turks are, it comes as NO SURPRISE that this semi-Turkish-Chindian Homeless Beer-Guzzler has the gall to address Women the way he did so unceremoniously during his Mother’s Day Message. It is almost as if he said it as though he had no mother. His Daddy would have turned in his grave had he known that his Racist Son, and now Sexist Son has decided to insult 55% of Malaysia’s Population all at the same time. How different is this from “All you bloggers are but Job-less Housewives, with nothing else better to do.”
Malaysia has tolerated such corrupted Ministers for long enough. It is time to close the door on them. Forget tolerating them, this is now over-the-limit. We have sacrificed so much for you. You are ungrateful creatures. You rob us of our freedom, you rob us of our liberty. You rob us of our youth, and now you are killing them in plain sight, and you say that it is only trifle gossip? Should we load the dead onto an ox-cart, and lay them on your doorstep everytime one of us dies? That way, you can see that we are not just gossiping. We can start with the 1800 bodies who died in remand detention last year alone. Add to that, Teoh Beng Hock, Kugan, and so on. This list will go on for miles. And the stench of the murdered Malaysians would go even further. Would you still say that we are gossiping?
How long will it take for you to sign a piece of paper? Yes, your resignation letter, afterwhich you may “Go with the Divine Wind”, as you fall on your own sharpened sword while your assistant lops off your head with a cleaver to minimize your suffering. Well, you might say “Ya, when pigs can fly”. Well, Homeless Minister, they have. Two of them, in fact, by your own henchmen. Perhaps it is time that you migrated back to Turkey, where they might tolerate sexists, and racists. I bid thee adieu. Do the right thing. Go with the Divine Wind.