Guide to set up Voter Registration Booth
By E.P.I.C
All of us come across ‘if-it-were-up-to-me’ moments. Moments when we feel like things could be done differently, or better, and perhaps, if it were up to us, we‘d make sure they were. We may have gotten this feeling in dealing with situations in our homes, our schools, our workplaces, our society, and on a larger scale, in our nation.
Well, the truth is this — along with this urge, there is in each of us a capacity to make that difference. From whatever background we come from, as members of our society we can all partner towards building a better nation. It is up to you — you can choose to make the most of the opportunities given to you: your rights as a citizen, your resources, your education or experiences.
Know that YOU have that capacity to make a good difference.