Politics – The game of prosperity
The game of prosperity is a game not anyone can join or afford to play. Okay I rephrase, everyone and anyone can join the game but whether or not you go far in the game is another matter all together.
By Philip Yong
In this lovely country of ours, if you play the game with the right strategy or perhaps on the right side of the game, you’re bound to be rich/richer in the millions if not billions. Even better if you are a little more intellectual than the rest of the players, you might be pronounced one of the richest persons in the country, and yes it only takes a little intellect. Oh I forgot to include that if your skin is a little darker then you might have a chance at this game as well. No I’m not trying to be a racist; I’m merely stating the reality.
It is said that all man has a price, and I couldn’t agree more. Even I myself have a price but of course a pretty high one. A mere million will not go well with me. Honestly, I love watching this game and if I have a chance I’ll definitely join it. If you think that I’m going to join this game for the money then you guessed wrong. I want to join this game to distribute money to those rightful owners, like those who got their lands stolen.
Now let’s get serious. Everyone loves money, agreed? Well whether or not you agree, my statement has been proven or rather further strengthened a week ago at a place where many people became rich overnight. Actually they were supposed to be rich years ago but unfortunately for them, they got cheated by the grand masters of this game. Yes, you guessed right this time, the Hulu Selangor By-Election, the place where dreams come true or so to speak.
When the victims of this game accused the masters of bribery, the masters said in response that the money spent was not bribes but merely what the people deserved. And honestly, I do not disagree with the master’s statement here because it is really what the people deserved. Simply because it is the people’s money! I just don’t like how these masters used the people’s money to further progress in this game. And to say that the people have accepted the masters’ ideologies and policies are bullshit. The people were just blinded by the money poured upon them. I hope though that all these blindness will not last for long.
I find it very funny that the grandmasters of this game are so shallow and worse still they think everybody are as shallow as they are. They come out with statements that even a five year old kid can interpret so easily. Statements like, ‘I will give you RM3 Million if I win this, no this is not a bribe this is what you deserve.’ Whether or not the millions of dollars poured upon the people of Hulu Selangor are bribes, I leave it to my intellectual readers to judge. I am no master in this game therefore I do not have the right to speak or I might end up living in a ‘dark and cold room’ for the rest of my life.
The masters have turned the entire game into a very dirty one. So dirty that when we get stopped by law enforcers on the road for various offences (talking on the cell phone), we are not reminded of our wrongs but rather greeted by them asking, ‘So macam-mana u mau I tolong u? (How do you want me to help you to skip the summons)’ If this attitude does not stop and continue to be advocated by the masters of this dirty game, do you think the people at large will stop? The masters are supposed to be role models but until today I do not see anyone of them that I can look up to.
I applaud those who have been in this dirty game for so many years and still have not given up. No, not the grandmasters and masters of this game but rather those who oppose them. We’ve read on how these opposing leaders have been tortured but yet they still stand strong till today. In fact, they are even stronger than before in their beliefs. These are the kind of people who never say die until the day they die.
Read more at: Politics – The game of prosperity.