Melayu, UMNO and Perkasa
I have written several essays about Perkasa. I wish to assure my blog readers, those essays were not about Ibrahim Ali. I don’t know him personally, know of him and seen him from afar. That’s about it. What I have written were about what Perkasa represents.
Ibrahim Ali is an inconsequential footnote to our political denouement. That is my personal opinion. Readers may disagree. He is politically finished in Kelantan. He became MP because of some twisted logic of arrangement with PAS which I don’t understand. It is now not open for PAS to condemn Ibrahim Ali. You consciously allowed him to contest on your ticket. You should have finished him off the last time.
He has reinvented himself as a champion of Malay rights. This places him at odds with UMNO which is the true voice of the Malay lumpen-proletariat. Elements within UMNO support Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa because he and Perkasa now becomes their voice?
Who are these ailments elements?
They are our own super 30. Those who demand a 30% stake in anything- in business, in positions and whatever. They are the puteras’ in the bumi. Ibrahim Ali represents those UMNO contractors who got a contract to build bridges who resold the contracts to their cukongs. Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa represent the puteras who got land from Mat Taib in Selangor. Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa represent those puteras who fly first and business class who gulped copious amounts of wine and who make naughty and obscene remarks to and about stewardesses and sometime to stewards.
Who needs Perkasa? Maybe people like Puad Zarkashi. Then please leave UMNO and join Perkasa. Ibrahim Ali has got a talent forming political parties- persuade him to form one and see how many Malays join him. The reason why its alleged that 70% of Malays identify themselves with Perkasa is due to UMNO’s own stupidity. It hasn’t spoken about Malay economics, hopes and fears. PM Najib can chuck some of the UMNO ministers out at the coming cabinet reshuffle.