I was wrong. Need I say more? (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

I predicted many days ago that Pakatan Rakyat would win the Hulu Selangor by-election with a majority of 1,500 to 2,500 votes. Well, the results are now in and the winner is Barisan Nasional with a majority of 1,700 votes. I suppose I will have to admit that I was wrong. Or maybe I was a victim of wishful thinking.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

A few days ago, I said, considering the millions that Barisan Nasional poured into Hulu Selangor, the MIC candidate has no reason not to win with a majority of not less than 5,000 votes. In fact, I added, a majority of 8,000 would be more like it.

This morning, it was revealed that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak wants Barisan Nasional to win with a majority of at least 8,000 votes. Anything less would be a poor show. His Deputy, however, announced that they are confident of winning with a majority of 6,000.

I predicted many days ago that Pakatan Rakyat would win the Hulu Selangor by-election with a majority of 1,500 to 2,500 votes. Well, the results are now in and the winner is Barisan Nasional with a majority of 1,700 votes. I suppose I will have to admit that I was wrong. Or maybe I was a victim of wishful thinking.

Anyhow, it appears that a high percentage of the outstation voters went home to Hulu Selangor to vote. We have to thank them for their effort. We will have to wait a day or two, though, to see the detail analysis of whom voted for whom before we can do a post-mortem of the results.

Umno is crying foul. They accuse PKR of ‘playing dirty’. Look at the picture below to see what I mean. Umno says PKR made these fake certificates and distributed them to the Malay voters.

Actually, it was the Umno people who did this. There are some in Umno who are unhappy that MIC was given the Hulu Selangor seat. They wanted Umno to contest this seat. So they tried to sabotage the MIC candidate so that in the next general election this seat can go to Umno.

Umno, however, did distribute this fake photograph to the Malay voters. And it looks like it had the desired effect, as the results today has shown.

And this was the actual photograph before it was doctored.

At least we did not distribute the following photograph to the Malay voters, which is not a fake. The other man toasting ‘Chinese tea’ in the photograph is Tan Sri Tan Kay Hock, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s golf partner. And remember, last month Malaysia Today revealed that Kay Hock’s company, George Kent, was given a RM100 million hospital contract in Pekan, Najib’s constituency, although the company does not have any prior experience in hospital projects.

I suppose a RM100 million negotiated-without-tender contract is reason enough to toast with ‘Chinese tea’.

Translated into Chinese at http://ccliew.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_27.html
