Hulu Selangor : death knell for talam-dua-muka politics?
By ARTiculations
It is now 11.21am on Sunday the 25th of April 2010. The people of Hulu Selangor are electing their new Member of Parliament. It is going to be either Zaid Ibrahim from Pakatan Rakyat or P Kamalanathan of the Barisan nasional.
I have written elsewhere about all the gifts which the Barisan Nasional government was going to dish out to the people of Hulu Selangor. And boy, wasn’t I right!
A friend of mine actually suggested that all of us should become a professional “voters”. He suggested that we all should move from a constituent to another like nomads. First we should search for a constituent with the oldest or sickest Member of Parliament. Or find one who is most likely to die. Then we move to that constituent. If possible, change our voting constituency too. Then we wait.
When the MP kicks the bucket, hallelujah, (ooops…I am a Muslim, I am not supposed to utter that word lest I would be confused and become a Christian tonight!) the gifts will start raining down like it is Christmas all year round.
This Hulu Selangor by-election must have had a record in the Guinness Book of Records when it comes to gifts. Just imagine. 50000 smackeroons each for 100 FELDA settlers!
The thing is this. Does the government really think that the people are all beggars? That the people are willing to sell their vote for money? Like UMNO reps at its General Assembly? Does the government really think everybody in Malaysia is like some of them?
Despite all the money, gifts and all the might of the government, straw polls and survey point to Zaid achieving a famous win in this Hulu Selangor by-election.