HRP’s advice to the Indian voters in Hulu Selangor – vote only for the candidate that delivers. Do not vote for the candidate that does not deliver

It is that very promising time of the year – election time in Hulu Selangor. Promises and possible lies are what the people of Hulu Selangor are going to get, if they do not play hardball with the politicians from both sides of the divide, now .

Indian voters must vote only for the candidate that delivers.

N. Ganesan, National Advisor, Hindraf/Human Rights Party Malaysia

Zaid Ibrahim please take note. 

The PR Selangor Mentri Besar came out in the news after their weekly Exco meeting recently and said that they will be giving out land titles for 100,000 squatter families and TOL license holders who have been living on that land for 15 years. He further added that the PR government was soon going to resolve reserve land issues relating to temples of worship, schools and roads.

The promise of land is the PR Chief Minister’s promise.

Delivery here to the Indian poor will mean:

1) They actually receive land titles in their names in their hands,

2) The gazettement process begun of Tamil schools land ownership in a way consistent with the way National schools own the land and

3) Land titles in the hands of the Temple Administrators for the Temples on the land on which the Temples sit.

This has to happen before the 25th of April.

HRP’s demands are much more – we feel the PR Government should for a start give land to all from the 97 Tamil Schools in Selangor that do not own the land on which they sit, but we know that it will have to wait.

Kamalanathan please take note.

The MIC/UMNO combined for their part have promised a return of the shareholder’s investments into MAIKA Holdings. Here again this is only a pre-election promise and if the deal is not sealed before the elections, they will come up with any number of reasons why they cannot keep that promise. They can say, “Oh, but we did not know MAIKA had so much baggage” or they could say ”we overestimated the value of MAIKA, we can only pay 25 sen for every Ringgit, because the businesses all have been negatively impacted by the bad publicity“ and so on, any number of reasons for them not to keep their promises.

Delivery here will mean:

All the poor Indians who are shareholders in the company should have the reimbursement cheques in their names in their hands.

This has to happen before the 25th of April .

From HRP’s standpoint of necessary justice, MIC/UMNO must reimburse the RM1 of 1984 not the RM1 of 2010.They promised a complete reimbursement. Complete reimbursement going by standard accounting principles and an average discount rate of about 6 % means a reimbursement RM4 of 2010 Ringgit value for every RM1 of 1984 Ringgit invested. Ask any accountant worth his salt.

MIC/BN by offering to give back RM1 of 2010 RM are actually only offerring to give back 25% of the value of the initial investment.

The total sum to be reimbursed of around RM 450 million Ringgit is nothing when compared to the billions of Ringgit in colossal bailouts in the history of the country. To name a few, the Multipurpose Holdings Bailout, the MCA company, the Konsortium Perkapalan Berhad bailout, shipping company controlled by Mahathir’s son, Malaysian Airlines bailout controlled by UMNO cronies, the Renong Berhad bailout- the UMNO company, the National Sewage company, Kuala Lumpur’s two public transport systems.

Time magazine quoted Daniel Lian, a Southeast Asia economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore, saying that the country might have lost “as much as US$100 billion since the early 1980s. RM 450 million is small change when compared to all these huge bailouts. Do not give excuses that this is asking for a yard when an inch has been offered. We do not talk charity, we talk equity – if you can understand it.

This should not be the time for promises by the politicians to the people, rather it is the time for performance appraisal, by the people of the politicians. 

Neither PR or MIC/UMNO has performed well for the Indian poor during their period of opportunity.

Zaid Ibrahim or Kamalanathan – just vote for whoever delivers now.

Do not vote for whoever does not deliver by the 24th of April.

Let us keep it simple.

