Pariahs – born or made?

85% of the million taxpayers are non-bumiputras BUT LOYAL MALAYSIANS and they are leaving the country (with heavy hearts) in larger numbers by the day!

By romerz

Idris Jala, the man credited with turning MAS around, now minister in the prime minister’s department without portfolio, made the following CORRECT observations when he addressed the briefing for Chinese Guilds and Associations on the Government Transformation Programme.

He RIGHTLY pointed out;

  • Only 1 out of 11 working Malaysians pay income tax.
  • Out of a population of 28 million Malaysians, only 1 million pay income tax.
  • 40% of the country’s total revenue comes from the oil and gas industry.

He FAILED to mention that these oil revenues are on the decline or running out. He also FAILED to mention that 85% of the million taxpayers are non-bumiputras BUT LOYAL MALAYSIANS and they are leaving the country (with heavy hearts) in larger numbers by the day!

Frankly I couldn’t care less what race these migrants are (since I’m Malaysian first, last and always) but the fact of the matter is, these outward migrants happened to be the most talented and experienced Malaysians who despite not being blessed with bumi status, somehow against all odds, achieved tax-payers status! And this tells me that we are losing the best amongst us who could have made a difference to Malaysia!

For somebody who recognizes the problems Malaysia faces economically, I’m surprised that he chose to sarcastically label the country as 1 of 3 pariah ASEAN countries not to have implemented the Goods & Services Tax (GST).

I’m truly surprised that he made no mention of the leakages and corruption within the present government procurement system and UMNO/BN political system of patronage, allowed to exist by his political masters. I’m surprised that he chose to ignore the causes that created the present circumstances which made most Malaysians not ready yet for GST.

Read more at: Pariahs – born or made?
