BN Hulu Selangor Candidate Election – The Public has been Fooled
UMNO & MIC were acting their best in this candidate selection. Palanivel has been made the sacrifice lamb in the whole process. It was already a foregone conclusion that Kamalanathan was already picked even before all the melodrama that we observed over the last few days.
By Mydin Baharuddin
This is how my conspiracy theory goes. Samy needed to get rid of Palanivel to make inroads within the Malaysian Indian community without having him in the forefront. Samy has enough baggage; even the very mention of his name spurs hatred from the Malaysian Indians. Palanivel is a simpleton, not some high flying maneuvering politican like Samy Vellu. Palanivel has served his purpose for Samy, so Samy now needs to get rid of him as his popularity has increased as Sam’s had decreased since HINDRAF highlighted the plight of the Indians under his mandorism.
If Palanivel won, it would have strengthened Palani’s position and that would have endangered Sam’s ambition to hand over the throne to his chosen ones.
Kamalanathan is a relative of Samy whom he can control, so Samy makes a pact with UMNO to play it for the public to ensure his hold on the party and the supporters are not affected. In this way, he would look good for the public as he can point out to the Indian voters that he had no choice but to abide by UMNO’s decision. Sam is thick skinned; you need to be that to be a politican so he does not care about the hue and cry of the general public but only concerned about how to play it to his audience ie the Malaysian Indians.
The pointers were already there but just that nobody actually picked it up – even the master of conspiracy theories, RPK.
On April 3, 2010, Baradan wrote a piece, see
Then on the same day, see how Kamalanathan had been lobbied: &
We, the public, as usual get all excited but fail to actually understand when the writing is on the wall. UMNO & MIC know exactly what they are doing to maintain their hegemony in the Malaysian context and it us the public who keep it alive without much analysis but only for the heat of the day.
The whole time, the public has been taken around on a merry go round and even the Opposition is unable to smell the plot in this whole affair. These are all pre-planned and anticipated moves that the UMNO-led BN government with its coalition had planted from day one.
Oh yes, this Mugilan character and the support he received from UMNO in Hulu Selangor and of course KJ was part of the game plan to shore the sentiment of the public. I really don’t think UMNO is too worried whether Kamalanathan wins or not, but to ensure along with MIC & MCA they are able to ensure their control over the country by controlling their segment of the supporters.
The hate factor, at least amongst the Malaysian Indians, at the moment is Samy Vellu. They needed to engineer a way out to persuade those voters there to vote for BN. Samy played the role assisted by UMNO on how to hoodwink the public and get the result they want without bringing Samy into the picture. But when you dig deep enough, then you would understand how politically savvy these guys are. People!!! This is a typical good cop, bad cop scenario.
Hope Pakatan will exploit this as the central theme is Samy. Anything and everything to do with Samy is taboo for the Malaysian Indian society bearing their current marginalized and discriminated state.
You want to know how savvy Samy is? How do you think he kicked S. Subramaniam out, his nemesis, a favourite of Dr Mahathir and replaced it with S. Subramaniam the current Minister of Human Resources. See the same similarity? That is a story for another time.