‘Hulu Selangor is not a routine electoral battle’
The lecturer argued that the by-election result would demonstrate the people’s acceptance of Umno president Najib Tun Razak as the country’s sixth prime minister and, his “1Malaysia” concept and socio-economic policies, including the recently unveiled New Economic Model (NEM).
By Athi Shankar, Free Malaysia Today
The Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election will be a mid-term referendum on both the Barisan Nasional federal government and Pakatan Rakyat opposition, said an academician today.
It will be a review of the performance of the Selangor PKR-led government, said Associate Professor Sivamurugan Pandian from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM).
He said both BN and Pakatan should not wrongly perceive the by-election on April 25 as just another routine electoral battle between them.
Hulu Selangor would be the 10th by-election battle in the country since the last general election in March, 2008.
The earlier battles were in Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu and Bukit Gantang parliamentary constituencies, and Bukit Selambau, Batang Ai, Penanti, Manek Urai, Permatang Pasir and Bagan Pinang state seats.
The score now stands at Pakatan seven and BN two.
Sivamurugan said the by-election would be the yardstick to measure the success and people’s approval ratings on the performances of both BN and Pakatan.
‘It would be an indicator of strengths and weaknesses.
“It will give contesting parties the impetus to rectify mistakes and build on popular support to keep the momentum going to face the next general election,” said Sivamurugan.