Isn’t racism as dangerous as communism?

Without the support of the people and the voters, any political party will become irrelevant, and if this party becomes irrelevant, logic and past experience will tell us that the dominant party, UMNO, will just chuck this party aside, no matter how subservient and how obedient this party is to UMNO.

By Dr. Hsu

A top leader of Gerakan was quoted in Chinese Malaysiakini to give this answer when pressed by reporters about Ahamd Ismail: ” Is this issue important?”

At the same time,a top  Penang Gerakan leader was quoted to ask reporters that ” what position is Ahmad occupying in UMNO?”, implying that since AI is not among top leaders of UMNO, he needs not answer.

Whether they are  right or not, I leave it to you to ponder.

I would only say that in this issue, a few considerations are in order:

Firstly, anything that stirs up racial emotion in a multiracial society is serious and important. Anyone doing so, just like anyone committing any crime big or small, must answer to the laws of the country no matter how high or low his position is in society.

Secondly, politics is about perception. If you are perceived to not even be able to stand up to a second tier leader of the dominant party, then what would the people think of you and what would the voters think of you? Especially when this bully has uttered racially sensitive words that have  hurt the feeling not of a person but of an entire ethnic group?

Thirdly, in politics, support from the people is everything. That is why it is important to fight for the interest of the people and with that , support comes naturally. But what if you cannot even stand up to a person who has uttered words that hurt the very people that form your support base?

Lastly, as a result of the third consideration, how are the candidates from this party that has been so belittled going to face the voters come the next general election?

Read more at: Isn’t racism as dangerous as communism?
