A Call To The Spirits To Stop The Damned Dam

By Putt For Change

Natives in Penampang Sabah have unleashed the spirits of PITOUN/TONDUK upon the heartless leaders of Sabah over their arrogance in approving the Koiduan Dam, costing a massive RM2.8billion. The Pitoun/Tonduk or "Batu Sumpah"(curse stone) ritual (left) was performed with the slaughtering of a pig with it's blood overflowing the curse stone. The sacred "Curse" ceremony is only directed on heartless people who have malious intent against the villagers.

More than 300 villagers were in solemn prayer during the demonstration at Kg.Timpayas. Glaringly outstanding among the visitors present during the ritual were police special branch officers. Goose pimples were also clearly visible among first timers that witnessed the entire ceremony.

It was reported that the Member Of Parliament for Penampang cum Federal Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities Tan Sri Bernard Dompok (left) and State Assemblyman of Penampang cum State Assistant Minister of Finance, Donald Mojuntin had originally planned to visit the affected villages but aborted or "chickened out" upon hearing that the batu sumpah ritual was going to be performed. Parti Keadilan Rakyat(PKR) members from the state Cummunications Bureau were however present to support the villagers.

On 7th.Oct.2009, I posted an article titled "Sabah Natives Strike Back…we'll defend our lands and rights with our lives". (Please read the post to understand the chronology of the events). On 15th.Oct, Donald Mojuntin (right) in a press statement was quoted as saying "he was embarrassed as he is also in the dark about the project". Subsequently on 17th.Oct, Bernard Dompok, in a press statement had this to say, "so far nobody has talked to me, I'm waiting for somebody from the water authorities to talk to me".

Surely Bernard Dompok and Donald Mojuntin are not under the impression that the people are still living in the stone age or nincompoops. Instead of shamelessly denying any knowledge of the project, perhaps as elected representatives of Penampang, which is predominately a Kadazan community, the question that both this "Distingushed gentlemen" should be asking is, WHO SUGGESTED THIS PROJECT? And WHO APPROVED THIS PROJECT?

READ MORE HERE: http://advocateviews.blogspot.com/2009/10/call-to-spirits-to-stop-damned-dam.html
