By Sit Onn Kok, MCA Life Membership No.WD 1800074
After the EGM, the MCA is now headless, so literally speaking, the Chinese have killed themselves, the body we have come to know as MCA.
The results of the MCA EGM announced late this afternoon do not surprise anyone, as all Malaysian bystanders had expected it could go either way on both the Main Resolutions, or no way! The last “No Way” being the ultimate results.
So now the delegates have spoken: Ong Tee Kiat has lost the confidence of his party as its President, though by a very slim margin; while Chua Soi Lek lost in his attempt to be reinstated as Deputy President.
Though as an ordinary Malaysian with no political ambition whatsoever, as I have other better and more personal matters like how to find my daily bread in the present unhealthy economic conditions, I have been watching the goings-on in the present tug-of-war between the 2 leaders and the infighting among MCA kingpins recently. Now that the mandated delegates have spoken, I will speak (nothing like the great Mahathir who chooses to speak whenever and on whatever topics he likes, including poking his nose into the internal affairs of MIC and MCA, not caring whom or what he hurts in the process, but then I am no ex-PM).
While all these unhealthy verbal “bouts” were going on, nobody within MCA, not even the leaders themselves realized that there was such a word as “reconciliation” in their vocabulary which could be used to avert the disastrous outcome of the EGM that has now split the party and will eventually ring the death knell of the MCA. Even if fresh party elections are held now to elect new leaders, I am afraid the Chinese voters at large have given up hope on MCA. It is no longer relevant insofar as looking after the interest of the Chinese community is concerned. To the Chinese voters, the Leaders are only keen on fighting at the top, not keen in looking after us at the bottom!
The trouble started to brew when (if my memory is correct) some bright spark from Simpang Rengam Johore decided, or was instigated, to re-open the can of worms regarding Chua Soi Lek’s unfortunate sexual encounter that was video filmed by the most despicable “Peeping Tom”, more despicable than the performer, Dr. Chua himself. But I seem to remember that this Simpang Rengam guy withdrew from pursuing the matter, yet somehow the Presidential Council was adamant. They still wanted to retrial Dr. Chua with the aim of removing him completely and forever to save the good “image” of the party.
I have spoken to close friends and I will say it again. What Chua Soi Lek did in a 3-star hotel in Batu Pahat is quite a natural thing for a man still having sexual desires, but perhaps could not be provided by his own loving wife who, judging by the respective ages of husband and wife, had most probably menopaused.
There exists among understanding and virtuous Chinese wives (of good old fashioned family training and upbringing) that once you reach that stage when you cannot or will not provide for the sexual needs of your still active husband, you allow him to stray, find his toy and his joy, but on condition that he does not father a child (that will eventually cause family feuds landing in shameful court cases) and also refrains from bringing his toy to the family home.
In Dr. Chua’s case, it was vividly clear that the family and Mrs. Chua had openly forgiven him, and what is even more relevant to MCA, the party had returned Chua Soi Lek as Deputy President in the last party elections, and his son had also won a seat in the Parliament as MP for Labis.
I would say the “enemies” of Dr. Chua had failed miserably in their estimation of the strength of Johore (my home State) MCA, the strongest in the whole of Malaysia. To prove this point, one has only to recall the number of past MCA top cats from other States who had parachuted into “safe” constituencies of Johore to stay in power! MCA should recognize this fact that Johorean Chua Soi Lek is not one you can easily push aside, especially to re-open wounds about the “shameful” act which I am sure he wanted badly to forget and to get on with living, rebuilding his own damaged image and renew voters’ perception of the party!
And now, what about the President, Ong Tee Kiat, who had the image of a straight shooter, no nonsense guy, bent on eradicating corruption and moving MCA to the forefront of Malaysian politics. What he has been accused of by some tycoon is not my business, for to me, a man is innocent until he is proven otherwise! So wait for the outcome of that accusation before we point fingers at OTK.
What is more pertinent to MCA and to all Malaysians is he as Minister of Transport armed with the report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, was on the verge of carrying out his sacred duty of tracing the culprits who siphoned, not the millions but billions of our taxpayers’ money from that infamous PKFZ project! On account of the infighting, the Prime Minister has seen it fit to appoint a Task Force sans OTK to investigate PKFZ. So I would say the opposing fraction to OTK has deprived all Malaysians a probable golden opportunity to scrutinize the blatant disappearance and daylight robbery of our hard earned money! Sayonara to that chance now!
Some websites and political writers have spied a “third force” in the MCA in the making. I would say this “third force” or even a fourth column is dead at birth because MCA is a goner, UNLESS ONG TEE KIAT AND CHUA SOI LEK NOW BURY THEIR PRIDE, SHAKE HANDS IN SINCERITY, AND IMMEDIATELY MEND BRIDGES IN FULL VIEW OF THE CWC, AND PASS ALL NECESSARY RESOLUTIONS TO RETURN TO STATUS QUO. This is a Fire Brigade job as MCA is on fire! They can do this with the blessings of all right thinking Chinese Malaysians. If that is done with haste, I think MCA can be saved and become even stronger than prior March 2008 General Elections.
Will you RECONCILE, for the sake of the silent majority, please?