Who will Hindraf back in the Bagan Pinang by-election ?
By Vijay Kumar Murugavell
In my opinion HINDRAF can no longer mobilize the “thousands” it did on Nov 25th 2007, case in point the recent candle light vigil and the threat to mobilize large numbers nationwide.
Video : Friday, October 9, 2009
Waytha on the future of Hindraf
Please view above video and discuss.
Hindraf was born out of the M.Moorthy case and given impetus over insensitive temple demolitions.
Hindraf often says that Pakatan states did not improve the lot of the Indians. Hindraf says that though PR is not helming the Federal Govt, they should do whatever they can within the Framework of PR State Govts, but until today I have not seen Hindraf listing down what they are, have you? If that is done at least there is a platform for PR to either take action or at least explain why it cannot be done.
Waytha opines that “people” are asking him why the Pakatan is not doing “this and that.” Would a true leader not engage with the party concerned for an explanation than just echo what his supporters are asking without discerning if those requests are reasonable, well grounded or acheivable ?
As opposed to being just a sounding board and issue press statements that are gleefully published by the MSM only for the reason they are critical of BN’s political enemies. The MSM is deafeningly silent on Waytha’s press statements critical of the BN.
The video also mentions Hindraf distancing itself from Thanenthiran and his Makkal Sakhti party who is backing BN and received the blessing of Dr.M and whose opening ceremony was graced by none other than PM Najib- but is silent on Uthaya and HRP (Human Rights Party).
MSP has pledged to campaign for BN in the coming Bagan Pinang by election, what is Hindraf’s stand? There can only be 4 possible scenarios:-
1) Back BN
2) Back PR
3) Neither – Remain neutral
4) Hindraf is still undecided on their stand.
So what will it be? Hindraf can only remain a 3rd force if they can influence the numbers or at least back an independent candidate who has hope of keeping his/her deposit. Can they do that ? Not Likely. Otherwise they should make a choice now -Either back Pakatan or BN. After that work together with whoever they have pledged to back.
In my opinion Mar 08 tsunami could not have happened without Anwar but Anwar could have achieved it even without Hindraf’s backing. Any one who understands basic arithmetic will know that a force that is backed by just a portion of a population that too who form only 7% of the electorate cannot go alone. Even the mighty UMNO cannot form the Federal Government without BN component party’s.
Pakatan has pledged to take care of ALL. I have opined before that Hindraf should stay out of areas of universal governance. For those who have not read my piece “Bagan Pinang : Take of your race-tinted glasses- link here http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/26628/84/
My question to Hindraf is, did the PR state governments intentionally marginalize the Indians with impunity the way BN did or is it some grouses over poor governance with unintended consequences?
If so, it is grossly unfair of Hindraf to paint BN and PR with the same brush. If Hindraf does not stop doing that , many will see them as daring to only strike back at the PR govt as they dare not do this to BN who control the police and judiciary, in short using PR as a whipping boy to rally their cause.
Having said that I am confident that even if PR takes over the Federal Government without Hindraf’s backing, they will still help all citizens including those who backed Hindraf, If PR does otherwise they will face the wrath of the electorate including non-Indians for not staying true to their manifesto, on the other hand if BN continues to helm the Federal Govt, expect more of the same.
Don’t believe me ? Watch how BN will kick Thanenthiran and his makkal Sakhti party to the kerb after he and his party have outlived their usefulness. You have been warned.
There is a saying ” when you have lost your way, go back to the beginning” so in my humble opinion Hindraf should go back to their pre Mar 08, 2008 spirit.