The “development” Of Mr. ISA (aka Umno’s “Rohaizat II”)
By Cruzeiro
"I couldn't bring myself to spend another night here. After a few hours I wanted to leave Seremban". – CochinJew, Virtual Tourist. That was the sentiment of the tourist after visiting Seremban and it is very true. I went there just yesterday, hoping to show a dear friend the "beauty" of this place ….. It was so embarrassingly dead.
I made the excuse that I need to find a decent parking space!! In the end, I just dropped her off at Terminal-1 which has an abandoned "skyscraper" (see picture below) which has some make-up on to cover its "blemishes" (like the fat lady who today helms our country's and Umno's leadership la…).
By and large, the development there has been quite "ecofriendly" during the time of Mr. Isa – in that it didn't change much. It is still the same old boring town it was 30 yrs ago – albeit with some "cosmetic surgery" after Isa's departure.

Tersergam Indah – the leftover of the structure used for "Musabaqah membaca Al-Quran" which was moved from the NS Padang after eons to house a "museum".
The "Olympic size swimming pool" smack at the entrance of Seremban – the former site of the Convent, which was flattened and apparently acquired by the state. Some say that the water has developed "supernatural powers (like the zam-zam water la …)
This has definitely gotta be the "pride and joy" of Isa – the Wisma Punca Emas, which is apparently a famous drug addicts' haunt. I vaguely remember a notice put up at the onset of the project saying that it was supposed to be a quite tall …. 20 or 28 floors.
Read more at: The "development" Of Mr. ISA (aka Umno's "Rohaizat II")