The Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia sampan sets out to sea
The People's Parliament
Sorry, we do not have a Formula 1 racing team to boast of.
It cost just too much ( as much as RM1.4 billion a year, according to the Malaysianinsider ) and we don’t have that kind of money.
And even if we did, we’d rather spend it on the rakyat.
Like feeding the starving children of Kapit, Sarawak.
Or build more hospitals and universities throughout the country.
But we haven’t got that kind of money.

The creative genius of Ambrose. Many asked whether this would be the design on the next SABM T-shirt. What do you think?
So we just launched a sampan called the Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia Charter.
We can’t afford glossy brochures to display our sampan, but we can offer you a two-pager, in pdf, that details her specifications.
And a powerpoint presentation to give an idea as to where we want to take this sampan.
Nothing fancy.
No frills, but she is a labour of love and we are certain that she is not only sea-worthy but that she will see us through the roughest of storms that we see ahead of us.
Built by men and women who, by God’s grace, are free from the shackles of ‘tribal think’.
Who look at each other and see, not Malay, not Chinese, not Indian, but fellow human beings, equal and free.
Who respect, embrace and celebrate our cultural differences.