Is Hartal Perak on the horizon? 8/8/09 is D-Day
The People's Parliament
On 8th July, Malaysiakini reported that a committee of 25, known as the ‘Campaign to Dissolve the Perak State Assembly’ committee, had given an ultimatum to the backdoor BN Perak state government : dissolve the state assembly and call for fresh state elections in a month or face a day-long state-wide strike.
The plan, as I understand it, is that if the dissolution is not announced by 8th August, the committe, which hopes to have the concurrence of the Pakatan Rakyat parties, will declare a date when Perakians will be urged to stay at home and turn Perak into a ‘ghost state’ for one day.
Quoting Mohana Rani, a member of that committee, from the Malaysiakini report :
“We have given the BN state government until Aug 8 to dissolve the assembly and call for fresh elections, failing which we will harness the power of the people for a day-long state-wide strike…The strike will be the springboard for more of people-power actions to force the BN state government to heed the people’s wish…the courts may have determined the political direction and outlook by legalising BN’s rule, but Perakians on the whole are unhappy with the back-door entry of the coalition”.