Random musing and talking cock about Teoh Beng Hock
By Lee Wee Tak
A lot has been written about Teoh Beng Hock. I shall not dwell about what has already been written and I will not also blog about the choice words I uttered over the past few days.
Instead, I want to calm down as some "prominant" person has advised the public to do so and try to appraise an administration and its entities funded by tax monies derived from our shrinking purchasing power.
In times of crises, we would expect our civil service and public trust holders to react intelligently, effectively and swiftly for the good of the public. so that they can retain or increase supporters from voters and tax payers.
How did our police do?
Jangan cetus ketegangan – KPN
SEPANG 21 Julai – Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan mengingatkan mana-mana pihak supaya tidak mencetuskan ketegangan dengan memutarbelitkan fakta kes Teoh Beng Hock, 30, yang ditemui mati di Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam, Khamis lalu.
Tegas beliau, pihak polis perlu diberi peluang menyelesaikan siasatan kes yang kini siap 60 peratus.
‘‘Kita sedang jalankan siasatan, tetapi kalau cuba putar belitkan fakta oleh kerana nak ganggu tanpa siasatan muktamad, kita akan ambil tindakan sepatutnya.
‘‘Kita nak tahu bagaimana kes itu terjadi, kita kena tengok cara macam mana, adakah dia terjun sendiri atau ada kaitan dengan orang lain. Saya ikut akta yang kita siasat dan selepas itu kita akan buat cadangan kepada Peguam Negara,’’ katanya.
The top policeman is more concerned about warning people “creating tension” (please tell me whether it is normal or not to have "tension" whenever there is a death, especially such a gruesome and tragic one) and the first possibility that he singled out was Teoh Beng Hock, a soon to wed father-to-be with many friends and loved ones, would take his own life on the eve of you all know what.
I want a tax refund. Colombo is much superior.
How did the government mouth piece do?
Read more at: http://wangsamajuformalaysia.blogspot.com/2009/07/random-musing-and-talking-cock-about.html