Malaysians suffer from an artificial “Malaysia Boleh†syndrome
By R. Shan (Human Being)
Malaysia Boleh is an excellent concept, but do we really have it in us?
RPK’s article, “Was Teoh Beng Hock assassinated by the DAP?” attracted on or about 5824 agreed commentors. Another article, another round of self righteous commentors behind the scene as Malaysia fights its war against prejudice just by blogging and commenting. What about some real action like spending that time talking to our fellow Malaysians to register to vote?
I think MT, being such a popular site for dissenting voices, should run a poll on how many of them are registered voters and how many have made any attempt to register more voters. Whether we like it or not, it is only through our vote count that we can make the change that we seek and that will be “Malaysia Boleh”.
It is welcoming that many commentors are able to voice their frustration and anger on alleged accusations by the
spinmasters. Now why do we get so upset and annoyed with this as we all know this is the way in Malaysia. Would you not think it would be better if we just ignore it and let it die a natural death rather than providing them with all the attention for their masquerade?
I think this was a truthful comment on “Was Teoh Beng Hock assassinated by the DAP?”
written by renoir, July 24, 2009 22:12:44
Sigh…I suppose what RPK had been saying about the general M-T reader is correct after all. Just think — if DAP people wanted to indulge in corruption, why not simply join BN, where they could get away with anything? Are they really as stupid as the writer of the new blog? Are the rakyat similarly stupid? If not, why waste time commenting on the BS?
Hey!!! These are also my thoughts not just self-indulged perception. I don’t dwelve in anything that I can’t act upon to ensure that truth and fairness prevails beyond boundaries.
Truth and fairness does not exist in Malaysia because of our own inaction. Truth and fairness can only exist if we are ready to act to defend rather than to “Cari makan”. Our own “Cari Makan” should evolve beyond the anticipated “Malaysia Boleh” attributed to our own action by getting down to the field and be involved in making changes rather than hoping someone else will do it and we will follow suit.
The progenitors have done their part, but now they need our participation to keep the torch burning for a real “Malaysian Boleh" rather than the lip service “Malaysia Boleh”. How you do it is your choice but it should be for something that is fair and just for all Malaysians. Whether you choose to be summer soldiers and sunshine patriots is your choice.
I am neither an alchemist, nor a soothsayer like RPK or HINDRAF but I am a Malaysian who believes in my fellow Malaysians. If we have truth and fairness in place for the society, then everything will fit into the puzzle.
This can only happen if we unite. So lets start by spending some of our precious time by getting more voters registered in Malaysia. Why do I emphasize on this? For example, the state of Sabah has 802,683 voters but they control 25 Parliament seats, 60 state Assembly seats and the whole of the state government of Sabah. Both Sabah and Sarawak's population is merely 11.8% of the Malaysian population (EPU Statistics UN Universal Periodic Review dated 19/11/2008) but between them they control 56 Parliament seats and about 135 state seats. Of course it is gerrymandering and we all know it but don’t you think that we can make a change with our own
It is nobody’s fault, but it is our own inaction for the “Cari makan” aspect. It is better to be late than never so let’s go on a drive to collectively gather more votes within our community and ensure that at least in GE13, we will be able to see some light for a true and fair “Malaysia Boleh”.