HINDRAF will stay independent and apolitical
Lately, there have been many skeptism and criticism on the path of HINDRAF with the formation of the Human Right Party Malaysia by P. Uthayakumar.
Hindraf would like to state it would stay independent and apolitical to continue its battle for the voiceless and marginalised segment of the community and to champion their cause. Our goal from the beginning has been to highlight the plight of the neglected Indian community so that the ruling government will make constructive and concrete efforts to allow them to participate in the socio- development of the nation with equality and fairness.
Hindraf to-date have not swayed from its original goals and will continue addressing the issues of the neglected ones without any fear or favour. The confusion and skeptism amongst the public is created and fuelled to split the awareness on the fate of those marginalised segment of the population for each politician's own agenda.
Hindraf will continue to operate as an organisation along with its current coordinators throughout Malaysia and internationally in carrying out its activities with the original objective for the marginalised community.
Hindraf would however support the Indian Political empowerment plan devised by Uthayakumar during his 514 days in detention under the ISA and would render its assistance where possible.
Hindraf reiterates, it will raise and question issues whether it is Umno-led BN, Pakatan and even the newly formed HRP if moral chaos permeates where these politicians continue to fail to uphold their governance in a fairly and just manner for the poor and undefended.
Our recent stand on the Kg Buah Pala issue in Penang will speak of our stand on truth and justice even if it means ending our friendship with the DAP led- government in Penang.
To the Hindraf supporters and well-wishers, I thank you all for your continuous support to recognise that we are a movement of conscience for the common future that we want to create in Malaysia for all of us.