Death at MACC: My CSI findings part VI
Today, I received a call from a friend who was my college mate back in the 80’s. We have not communicated since we graduated in 1988.
Today, he is a successful specialist in one of the famous hospital in the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia. Apparently someone email him my publication and seek his opinion whether there is any logic to what I wrote. He read my blog and sent me an email which subsequently followed with a phone call.
2. The first thing that came out from him after the usual Salam, was he asked me whether I have been visited by the police. I laugh at his question. I told him, I live not far from Deputy IGP, Tan Sri Ismail and the police actually see me everyday! To cut the story short he said he respected me for standing out and write what I had wrote for a Chinaman that I don’t even know. He said he wouldn’t dare to do it.
3. For the record I want to say out loud. I grew up in a community that knows no racial barrier. I grew up in a community that judge man or woman against his/her word and character and not their skin colour. There are good and bad people and they all come in the various skin colours. I grew up in a military surrounding in Kem Bt 9, Kuantan. My late father was in the army. In the 70’s there were many non-Malays soldiers and we the kids grew up in this multicultural and multicolour environment.
4. I wrote because my conscience tells me that what had happen is wrong. Today it happened to TBH. Tomorrow it can happen to us, our siblings and our kids. It is my religious duty (Fardu Kifayah) to share and to find conclusion to this dark episode.