What a smoke screen, Najib
By Guan Sin
Look at the headline of even Malaysiakini, a supposedly independent media outlet critical of government most of the time: Cabinet approves royal commission. And The Malaysian Insider has Royal Commission to probe MACC, the Star has Nod for royal panel and inquest into Teoh’s death. The notorious Utusan has Inquest into Teoh’s death (”Inkues kematian Beng Hock”) and the shameful Berita Harian has Three Cabinet decisions (”3 keputusan Kabinet”).
I must say, Najib, that’s a good one! The chief PR stuntman in BN has it again. Don’t confuse ‘PR’ here with ‘Pakatan Rakyat’, but it is ‘public relation’. And the chief PR stuntman is none other than the prime minister Najib Tun Razak.
I have previously called RCM as Royal Circus of Malaysia, rather than Royal Commission of Malaysia, because of its toothless tiger nature and past track record. Now, the chief clown has even perfected RCM trick, to create a smoke screen in the face of growing public outcry on the tragic death of Teoh Beng Hock.
Read more at: https://airkosong.com/_/2009/07/23/what-a-smoke-screen-najib/