Brickbats pour in for Najib’s RCI into Beng Hock’s death
By Wong Choon Mei, Suara Keadilan
Brickbats have come pouring in for Prime Minister Najib Razak just hours after announcing the formation of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the suspicious death of DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock.
“This is quite bad. We are sorry to say it is just white-wash,” said PKR strategic affairs director Tian Chua.
“The RCI will not look into Beng Hock’s death but an inquest run by a magistrate will be doing that.
“This actually prohibits the power of the RCI. The question now arises, what is this RCI for. Defintely, it is not to find out the truth about his death.
“Frankly, we were expecting broader and more detailed terms of reference but apparently there are none other than what was announced.
“In a case like this, where there are far-reaching implications for the future, civil society and opposition leaders must be involved. After this stunt, we would insist there should be consultation. The decision cannot be taken in a vacuum. How then can it be an independent probe if it focuses only on the areas the government is comfortable with?”
In an immediate response, civil society and political leaders had welcomed the move although they expressed caution. After checking the plan announced late this afternoon, optimism has turned into deep disappointment.
Said DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang: “I am disappointed by the Cabinet decision. There will be no Royal Commission of Inquiry into the causes of Teoh’s death although an inquest would be held.
“A Royal Commission of Inquiry will be set up, but only to look into the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s investigative procedures and to determine if there were any human right violations when Teoh Beng Hock was being interrogated.
“This falls short of public expectations and is unsatisfactory and unacceptable. What the Malaysian public want is a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the mysterious causes of Teoh’s death at 14th floor of MACC headquarters.
“They also want an Inquiry into the investigating procedures of the MACC as well as into the independence, professionalism and integrity of the MACC – whether it has become the catspaw of its political masters.”
Said Gobind Singh Deo, MP for Puchong: “I am surprised how it is the Cabinet has decided to hold both an Inquest and a RCI. It really does not make much sense. It reflects a lack of will on part of the government to set up an inquisitorial process which is truly independent to unearth the dark facts behind the death of Teoh Beng Hock.”
With such paltry measures, can Najib face Beng Hock’s parents ?
In a move to quell public anger, Najib had agreed to an independent investigation. But instead of dousing the fire, he may have fanned the flames even more.
Beng Hock, a 30-year old former journalist, was found dead outside the MACC building after he underwent a marathon investigation at its 14th floor office in Shah Alam, Selangor.
He was called in for questioning over a probe into his boss, Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong. Though the MACC repeatedly stressed he was merely a witness, it still grilled him mercilessly from 5pm on July 15 to 3.45am July 16.
The authorities gave no explanation for his death – discovered at 1.30pm on July 16 – except that he apparently “jumped”. The police also rushed to deny any signs of foul play.
But the ensuing public outcry was too great and Najib’s administration was forced to be more circumspect in the way it handled the situation.
Latest clues uncovered by the police have bolstered the widespread postulation that elements of foul play – whether intentional or not – were involved in his death.
According to Najib, the RCI will review the MACC’s investigative procedures to determine if there were any human rights violations during its marathon interrogation of Beng Hock.
He also said an inquest will be separately held to determine Beng Hock’s death. The Cabinet instructed the Home Ministry and the police to wrap up its investigations as soon as possible.
“The cause of death will be determined by inquest which is according to Criminal Procedure Code. The Royal Commission will look into the standard operating procedures of MACC.
“I will inform Teoh’s family of the outcome of the investigations,” said Najib, referring to the police probe.
Interrogators let off the hook, only head investigator of probe transferred
Blamed for hatching the plot against the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government that eventually led to Beng Hock’s death, Najib was quick to re-assign the lead investigator of the MACC graft probe against several of the state’s executive councillors.
But he did not suspend the interrogating team as demanded by the public.
“They have not been suspended. The lead investigator has been reassigned to the headquarters,” Najib said.
Pakatan leaders have been complaining that the MACC and other federal institutions were being used by Najib’s Umno party to topple their administration in Selangor.
As with his February coup d’etat of the Pakatan Perak government, Najib began by targeting several of the coalition’s key assemblymen.
In Selangor, this included Beng Hock’s boss Ean. The modus operandi was to accuse them of corruption and then getting the MACC to pressure them and their associates into false confessions.
Najib gave up his post as head of Perak Umno to take over as the new Selangor chief in April. He is also the Umno national president.
Meanwhile, Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim said the state government will appoint a panel of lawyers to watch over the RCI proceedings. Beng Hock was an officer of the state government.
He slammed Najib’s decision to let the inquest decide how Beng Hock died and not the RCI, which he said was the best forum to ensure justice for Beng Hock and his family.
The Menteri Besar has already banned the MACC from questioning state staff at its premises and will only allow interviews to be carried out at the state secretariat building.
“We hope the panel will be professionally selected and do its investigations impartially, without fear or favour,” Khalid said in a statement.