What the heck does ‘politicising’ mean, anyway?
The People's Parliament
Many of you, in your comments to the “Guan Eng…” post yesterday seemed to find ‘politicise’ and ‘politicising’ imprecise in its meaning.
I’ve looked at the post again and, yes, the fault is mine.
I could have made myself more clear.
Let me try to atone with a little more clarity in presenting my thoughts.
A few comments to that post will actually aid me in trying to make my point.
colimac Says:
July 20, 2009 at 11:52 am e
harris what’swrong with guan eng’s ststement? with the bn people the only way out is to crush them under the chains of bulldozer and even with that we may not be able to the bare truth.guan eng is only showing his anger with what has happen aren’t you angry harris/
Let me reproduce here what I said in that post in relation to what Guan Eng said.
“And I heard Guan Eng make a promise to take a campaign through the country to force the government to appoint the Royal Commission.
I’m all for this, and I’m going to badger Guan Eng’s office to honour his word to the crowd gathered at Kelana Jaya yesterday, but only if they will strictly honour the family’s wishes”
So, no colimac, there’s nothing wrong with Guan Eng’s statement. I’m all for the nationwide campaign. I’m only against Beng Hock’s death being politicised in the course of such a nationwide campaign.
That word ‘politicised’ again!
I’m going to have to use another word or phrase to get across exactly what I mean.
First, though, Charlotte’s comment to that ‘Guan Eng’ post.