Zainul Ariffin Isa and Berita Harian – GET FUCKED !!!
delCapo first read this on MT, then linked to The Malaysian Insider article…. then went searching for the full article in Berita Harian.
This is coming from the NST’s Group fucken Managing Editor…. what a spin – “Kematian Teoh timbulkan pelbagai spekulasi politik”
““when a victim of an accident was non-Malay, who was previously investigated by a Malay, the speculation is great.”
Beng Hock’s death is tragic…. the suspiscious circumstances on “how” and “who” parts are sick enough… but what Zainul has written just about tops it – it’s just FUCKEN SICK !!!
What r u trying to do, u sick fuck? Overshadow Nazri so we forget what he said?? Or do you genuinely believe in the horseshit you wrote??
Surely it’s NOT just about pleasing your political masters by giving them a cushion spin?? how fucken original….
Read the entire fucked up article below….. someone burnt some copies of it earlier…. YEAH!!!