Don’t Make Teoh Issue Racial: Nazri
Bernama — People, especially the opposition, should stop speculating on the death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock or make it a racial issue.
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz said the opposition, especially the DAP’s parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang, should let police investigate before making any conclusion.
“Do not divert the issue to something else, I’m the Minister of Law, I know what I said and don’t try to put words into my mouth, I think he’s the one who should shut up and not make a racial issue out of this. Allow the police to investigate,” Nazri told reporters after his speech at the ‘Forum on Integrity and Compliance: The Malaysian Agenda’ organised by Siemens here today.
The body of Teoh, 30, was found in the corridor on the fifth floor of Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam, last Thursday believed to be from a fall from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) office on the 14th floor of the same building. He was a witness in investigations into allegations of misapppropriation of Selangor state allocation funds.
Mohamed Nazri said the MACC could not be directed to stop its investigations.
Asked if MACC officers involved should be suspended or not, he said the question did not arise as the case was still under police investigation.
On the actions of people questioning MACC investigation methods, he said they had been used for years. He said the same process was also used on Barisan Nasional exco when they are investigated.
Mohamed Nazri also said the absence of lawyers during questioning was not a big problem.
He said he believed MACC officers were professional and saw the matter with “colour blind eyes” and would investigate without taking into account race.
Meanwhile, MCA presiden Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat slammed quarters that played dirty by twisting and politicising the death of Teoh.
Classifying such actions as “self-fulfilling lies”, Ong said certain quarters were willing to do this to get “political mileage”.
He said he had received a report last night regarding an online report that misused the name of the MCA communication bureau chairman Lee Wei Kiat by issuing a statement that was contradictory to what was issued earlier by Lee.
Ong, who is Transport Minister, said Lee had earlier issued a statement that called for a Royal Commission to be set up to comprehensively investigate Teoh’s death.
“Unfortunately his statement was twisted … that Lee said Teoh’s death was a his personal choice and it should not be shocking,” he told reporters after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of inderstanding among Bernama Radio24, Sunlight Radio Taxi Sdn Bhd and the Malaysian Muslim Consumers Association at Wisma Bernama here.