In Memory of Teoh Beng Hock
Justice for Comrade Beng Hock, Tai Jien Sing
The passing of Beng Hock has reminded us how precarious life could be, especially for those who are vulnerable to the whims of people who does not have to bear the responsibility of their actions.
Each and every one of us are entitled to the pursuit of happiness, freedom from the fear, harm, hunger, hate, and injustice. And the obligation lies with those who are in a position to protect us from such malice that are very often perpetrated by fellow mankind in the name of self-interest and dogma.
Events are continually being organized to cater for this outpour of sadness among Malaysians regardless of race and religion. Henceforth, I sincerely apologize for this continual change and update of information concerning such activities.
I wish everyone would continually refer to the blog dedicated to Beng Hock for updates (, and to spread the message around, with the aim of not just to commemorate the person who paid the ultimate price, but also to ultimately prevent such tragedy to ever occur again.
There is only so much we can do to praise Beng Hock, belated we might be, but we can always memorialize him through our actions, helping his loved ones in coping with the pain and trauma in the years to come, and to fulfill the dream shared by him, that is: to achieve a fair and just society for all Malaysians.
I believe, the latter would have been the legacy he wished to bestow on all Malaysians.