Anwar, We Want Real Result This Time for Mr. Teoh
By Shiou
Dear Mr. Anwar Ibrahim,
In ancient societies ruled by the feudal system, their helpless subjects could only kneel and express their grievances through petitions to the kings. Prior to March 8 2008, Malaysia opposition, often with only a handful of seats in Parliament, considered Royal Commission of Inquiry as the ultimate political weapon because that was what was available for them. After March 8 2008, with 82 MPs in their wing, should Pakatan still rely only on the same political weapons to make sure late Mr. Teoh Ben Hock does not die in vain?
Establishing Royal Commission of Inquiry and petitioning to Agong are probably political necessity and will satisfy many older generations. However, does anyone, from old or new generation, hold any illusion that Royal Commission of Inquiry and Petition alone are going to produce genuine reform of our political system? The answer is obviously a vehement “NO”. We need Royal Commission of Inquiry and petition, but we need more than that.
I would like to applaud you and Pakatan for providing voices to the masses through organizing “Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering” in Stadium Kelana Jaya at 4:30 PM this Sunday. We know many will attend by just mentioning the time and place of the event, but even more will stay home. May you, as the leader of opposition, challenge this docile society in no uncertain terms that what you are going to do depending on response of Kelana gathering. I wish you can say something in the line of “If the Kelana gathering attracts only lukewarm response with attendees less than 10,000, I will plod along with the same old Royal Commission and petition and sporadic protest. However, if the response is overwhelming with number of attendees exceeds 50,000, I will immediately seek audience with Najib negotiating a concrete MACC/PDRM reform which consists of law requiring two-third approval in parliament for any appointment of top leaders in MACC. After all, 82 MPs is a substantial percentage of the whole parliamentary seats, and should have substantive say of those important appointments. However, citizens of this nation, please show me your number first in Kelana Stadium”. Put your message in YouTube, we will send it far and wide.
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