What Can We Do?
By Horizonline
What has Malaysia become after 5 decades of independence?
Just the facts:
1. Teoh Beng Hock was killed between Wednesday, July 15 and Thursday, July 16 2009.
2. His body was found beside the MACC building.
3. MACC federal director Mohd Shukri said that there were no CCTVs installed in the building so they don't know what the hell happened, not until the body was found.
4. Our smart-ass Nazri Aziz said Teoh commited suicide.
Oh, and our honourable DPM Muhyiddin Yassin asked us, stupid Malaysians not to speculate anything and let PDRM do their job.
Suicide lah…
What has Malaysia become after 5 decades of independence? I can't deny that we have first class infrastructure like the KL tower, KLCC, Sepang Circuits and so many other things. But do we honestly think that Malaysia is on the path of advancement right now? No, advancement is not only about infrastructure, it is about social, economic and of course, politics.
Now please take the death of Kugan as an example. Obviously he was tortured to death while in the lockup. But then, nobody was charged, nobody was arrested. Our Attorney-General Gani Patail said his death would be classified as murder (it was during Pak Lah's time as PM mind you). Hey! Suddenly, there were 2 post-mortem reports; one indicating there was a foul play while the other said none. Our diligent AG then needed time to investigate it before he made any conclusion. Meanwhile the criminals are free to do whatever they like for all he cares. So, NFA.
After few months, we get to see another dead body lying inside (outside) the government building again. This time it's Teoh Beng Hock. Poor soul indeed. So until the post mortem report is out, I don't want to make any speculations (I just can't do that). I have two theories, either he was murdered, or he was accidentally murdered. By who? Go figure that out yourself. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand it. But same as Kugan's case, I believe this case will also be treated as NFA. Why? Isn't it obvious? You oppose government, you die. You support government, you live. They may deny it, but we as rakyats know the truth.
The funny thing is, Mohd Shukri, federal director of MACC said there were no CCTVs installed in their building. Hell, I thought all government buildings should have CCTVs installed! I bet that a few days later one of our ministers (Nazri) will announce that it is compulsory for MACC to install CCTVs inside their buildings so similar cases will not happen.
MACC doesn't have it
Our DPM told us not to speculate anything regarding Teoh's death. I mean, can he really control what we think? He may control what we speak using ISA, Sedition Act or whatever it is, he can never control our minds. We are smart enough to know what is happening in our country. We know they orchestrated the whole thing in Perak. We know they orchestrated the whole thing in Anwar's case. In fact, we know the reason why all these things happen in Malaysia. They do them for the sake of protecting their crumbling power.
Does 1 Malaysia really exist?
They do not want us to unite but we must unite as Malaysians. History proved it all. Nationalism is the only key. We will not unite as Malays, we will not unite as Chinese, and we will not unite as Indians either. We will unite as true Malaysians, true nationalism.
We will prove it in the next GE.
I can do it, can you?