Stop talking, start acting
We have forgotten who the enemy is. The enemy is not each other. The enemy is Barisan Nasional and the stooges of Barisan Nasional that include PDRM, MACC, SPR, the AG Chambers and the judiciary.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Catholics are complaining about the Muslims. They lament about what the Muslims did, which can be considered downright sacrilegious and an insult to the Catholics. So what do they do? They issue press statements from the comfort of their homes.
The Muslims are angry with the Christians. They accuse the Christians of subverting Islam. They want the Christians to be cut down to size and put in their place. They organise protests and demonstrations and threaten the Christians with bloodshed. And the Christians hide in the safety of their homes.
The Chinese and Indians are brutalised by the PDRM and MACC. They are physically and verbally abused, beaten up, tortured and even killed. What do they do? They sign petitions and memorandums and march to the Agong’s palace to hand their protest note to the Agong calling for royal intervention.
The Malays slam the Chinese because they want a Malay representative to sit in the council or committee. The Indians slam the Malays and Chinese because not enough Indians are appointed to the committee or council.
DAP slams PKR and PAS. PAS slams DAP and PKR. PKR slams DAP and PAS.
DAP fights amongst themselves. PAS fights amongst themselves. PKR fights amongst themselves.
And against the backdrop of the above all these people claim they are fighting for change. They are fighting for justice. They are fighting for transparency and good governance. They are fighting to eradicate corruption, wastage of public funds and abuse of power. They are fighting for a better Malaysia and for a better future for their children and grandchildren.
Actually, they are fighting with each other and amongst themselves. And this is why they will never see the reforms that they clamour for.
They say change will come when the next general election is upon us. They will vote. And they will vote the present government out off office. And that is when they will see change and achieve the aspirations of these reforms that they seek.
But this will not happen. It will not happen because those who seek change are weakening by the day. And they are weakening by the day because they are not really fighting for change but fighting amongst themselves.
They would need at least 70% of the votes to see change. With 70% of the votes they can then offset the rampant and blatant fraud perpetuated every general election and get in with at least a simple majority, not even a two-thirds majority. 1969 proved this. 1999 proved this. And 2008 proved this as well.
Short of 70% of the votes change will never come. It will never come because Barisan Nasional will still be in power. Getting anything short of 70% of the votes would mean that the election fraud would enable Barisan Nasional to get back into office.
But only 70% of the eligible voters bother to register as voters. And only 70% of the registered voters bother to come out to vote. And only 50% of those who bother to come out to vote will vote for change — the rest will vote for Barisan Nasional.
So change will never come. It will never come because only 30% of those who are eligible to vote will vote for change. The rest of the 70% will either vote for Barisan Nasional, or will not come out to vote, or will not register to vote.
So waiting for change every five years and hoping that change will come through the general elections is a pipedream. It is futile to expect change though the ballot box. The two choices are either the ballot or the bullet. And the ballot is a lost cause.
Pilehan Raya or Pilehan Jalan Raya. Those are the two choices open to us. If both can work then we can choose the one that we feel can achieve the maximum result. But if only one works then we choose that only one. It will be only one option. It will not be two options.
Stop talking. Start acting. It is now time to take to the streets. It will be too long to wait for the ballot box. We must vote now. And we must vote with our feet.
We have forgotten who the enemy is. The enemy is not each other. The enemy is Barisan Nasional and the stooges of Barisan Nasional that include PDRM, MACC, SPR, the AG Chambers and the judiciary.
So let’s stop fighting each other. And let’s start fighting the real enemy. And stop dreaming of the ballot box. Vote today. Vote with your feet. And vote in large numbers.
‘Election Day’ starts tomorrow. And the ‘election timetable’ is as follows. Make sure you come out to ‘vote’.
Justice for Teoh Beng Hock events
19 July (Sunday)
4.30 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering (organized by Selangor state government)
Stadium Kelana Jaya
20 July (Monday)
10 am: Funeral Beng Hock’s family home, Alor Gajah
21 July (Tuesday)
10 am: Memorandum to Prime Minister to demand for Royal Commission of Inquiry (Pakatan Youth Wings)
PM’s Office, Putrajaya
21 July (Tuesday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang, Jalan Utama, Penang
22 July (Wednesday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Malacca DAP Headquarter
23 July (Thursday)
8 pm: Justice for Beng Hock Solidarity Gathering Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, KL