How did he die?
By Tay Tian Yan (SinChew Daily)
Teoh Beng Hock mysteriuosly jumped to his death, leaving behind a million question marks on the MACC.
Interrogating Ean Yong Hian Wah (and detaining his assistant Teoh Beng Hock), searching Lau Weng San, investigating Teresa Kok, Elizabeth Wong, Hannah Yeoh, Cheah Wing Yin and Edward Lee Poh Lin.
Of course, the MACC has this power. But the question is: Is the power exercised appropriately?
Given the "coincidence" that all the targets of investigation are Pakatan state assemblymen–and Chinese–I'm sorry but have to say something: These are the elected representatives least likely to be corrupt in the eyes of the voters.
People who have even the slightest knowledge of these people should perhaps know that these are the thriftiest and hardworking people around.
For example Elizabeth Wong, who does not have huge assets to her name, only mortgage and credit card debts.
Or perhaps the MACC would say the investigations are carried out as per the information they have obtained, nothing to do with a person's political affiliation or background.
But, the MACC must explain why so much more information, including what has come to public knowledge and triggered controversies, has not sent the MACC into action.
For example. Has the MACC done anything about the "Istana Khir"? Has it carried out any investigation, any search or interrogation?
Or big cases should be done slowly, probably until they have vanished from the people's memories?
The investigation of cases should be carried out in accordance with their severity or priority. I don't see any priority in dealing with these few Pakatan reps.
Of course, no one can prove that the MACC's moves are politically motivated. That said, what they have done has brought up many guesses among the public, as well as the uneasiness among opposition politicians.
This reminds me of the McCarthyism in the United States during the 1950s. The reckless actions of a power engine has generated political scare as well as social panic.
There was this extreme rightist Republican politician Joseph McCarthy back in those years. He banked on the anti-Communist sentiment during the Cold War to openly declare that the United States government had been infiltrated by several hundred communist spies and America was plunged into a state of great danger.
His declaration shocked Washington and the American society.
With the support of rightist representatives, he headed the "Un-American House Committe" and investigated, accused, framed and persecuted the leftists, including politicians, diplomats, scholars and artistes, all in the name of national security.
His blacklist included people like George Marshall, physicist Robert Oppenheimer and actor Charlie Chaplin all came under his hammer. Some were jailed while others took their own lives.
During McCarthy's time, the United States was plunged into the dark ages of unrighteousness, until the American society could tolerate such acts of terror no more and rose up against him.
The US government and Congress joined hands in impeaching him, restoring the liberty and esteem of the country.
This historical event warns us that no government organs should abuse the power entrusted to them to kill political freedom and violate human rights in the name of national security.
Controversies have popped up ever since the establishment of the MACC. Its reputation is in dire straits.
And now, it needs to explain to the nation how Teoh Beng Hock has died! (By TAY TIAN YAN/Translated by DOMINIC LOH/Sin Chew Daily)