Guan Eng on Buah Pala and Bukit Cina – see any difference
By Naragan
Politicians will always be politicians. They can say anything that suit their purpose for the moment and then switch willy nilly when the tables turn. See what Guan Eng had to say about Bukit Cina and compare that with what he is doing with Kampung Buah Pala. This was in a speech titled:
‘Vision 2020 Of Malaysia Being A Developed Nation Will Not Succeed If There Is No Clean Government, No Balanced Growth, No Human Resource Development And No Equitable Distribution Of Economic Benefits’
· cultural and historical heritage not only for the Chinese community but also as an important mark of friendship between Chinese and Malays when Princess Hang Li Po married the Melaka Sultan;
· environment heritage in providing a green lung that made Melaka a more natural and livable area for residents apart from helping to maintain its historical atmosphere; and
· an important tourist site that attract foreign tourists and revenue helping Melaka’s economy.
In that same speech he goes on to say “…It is indeed shocking how UMNO Kota Melaka can be allowed to owe quit rent for 25 years of RM 83,701.15 and UMNO Jasin allowed to owe cukai pintu for 18 years of RM 83,701.15 without any action taken. In contrast there have been cases where private landowners who owe only 2 years in quit rent have their land confiscated by the state government. UMNO and MCA should be ashamed for not respecting the law even though they are the government.”
Our comment: We are saying that there is fraud involved in the sale of land not owned by Penang State to a private developer. But he chose to totally ignore this point as it will instantly make the sale null and void. This will turn the whole picture around – something he is clearly showing he does not want to do now. Which bigwig is he trying to protect like UMNO in Melaka? Guan Eng should be ashamed for not respecting the law even though he is the government, by not taking action on such fraudulent activity within his Government.There seems to be a very clever and silent conspiracy involved in this multimillion ringgit deal – between some bigwig developer, the state administrators through their cooperative and Guan Eng.
All his arguments that he cannot do anything other than pay compensation to the Villagers do not hold water as he is nowhere near exhausting all the options available. He has held his position steadfastly reiterating like a parrot that he could not do anything against a federal court order, as if that was what we are asking him to do. He is playing very dumb here. This is a very well disguised dumbness for all I care.
His argument that this sale will affect investor confidence is utter nonsense as the instability that will be caused by any move to raze the village is much, much more and he fully well knows that, which is why he is in such a hurry to sweep the problem away, by teasing the Villagers and offering the Villagers compensation for their land.
His argument about the precedence this will create is just more rubbish – this is the kind of precedence any government will want to set, which touts Competency, Transparency and Accountability as its operating philosophy.
He says this will create precedence for other people who have been cheated of their land to lay legitimate claim of ownership to the land and cause trouble for developers and investors in the process. In the first place he won the Chief Ministership on the promise that he will champion the people's cause against such treachery. But what do we get, more old wine in new bottles.
In summary, Guan Eng should stop his antics, should stop trying to fool the people and come clean and save the village or he and his DAP will face the same ignominous doom as UMNO. He is failing the people miserably with these antics. We expected a more erudite democrat when we elected him, but what we have is just more of the same crap that we tried to replace in the last elections.
The people will ultimately triumph.
Read the full text of his speech here: