Note to our men in blue: Get with the programme!
By Hafidz Baharom (The Malaysian Insider)
JULY 15 — I don’t make snap judgments on any party without first trying to get whatever information I can through whatever sources I can find. Such sources include most notoriously the World Wide Web.
Recently I was asked to look up statistics for blackmail cases in Malaysia that were reported to the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP). One would think that these statistics, at least the number of reported cases, would be available for public viewing.
They’re not. Neither are statistics on rape, murder, snatch theft, Rempits, or even robbery.
Well, maybe to the RMP such information is not worth sharing with the public.
Instead, our admirable police force finds it a necessity to only disseminate the data on traffic issues via continuous reports on Ops Sikap (congratulations to the traffic division then), narcotics and commercial crimes.
And, of course, missing person’s statistics that have yet to be updated since August 2008.
You would think that a police force with a vision promoted on its website to be “the main enforcement agency with integrity, competence and commitment”, it could actually prove it with solid evidence in the form of statistics.
So, in an effort to highlight just how inept our police are in this day and age, in a nation priding itself as the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC), let’s compare our royal police force’s website with a number of its peers, or even subordinates for that matter.
Read more at: Note to our men in blue: Get with the programme!