Manek Urai, thanks for the wake up call!
By Tohkong Mosjid
So much negative publicity before Manek Urai just showed that other PRs just didn't give a damn about Manek Urai. With all the money and promises given out plus self-inflicted publicity by PR, I think this win just clearly shows that Nik Aziz 's leadership in Kelantan is much stronger than we thought. If this by-election was held elsewhere, it would have been a forgone conclusion that this seat would have gone to BN. PR did not help Nik Aziz at all this time, he saved the day for PR, to say the least. Kedah & Selangor squabbles, thank you so much. Manek Urai, thanks for the much needed wake up call.
Menang Buruk is a good thing to show unity government talks benefits UMNO not PAS.
I bet Ustaz Nasha must be laughing all night long with the razor thin victory by PAS. But he and Hadi has to start to ponder why Nik Aziz rejected the unity talks. Unity talk only benefits UMNO, it is never meant to make PAS stronger. If they still want to harp on any other kind of talks with UMNO, the next by-election (God Forbids) may not be that lucky for PAS.
Grass Brain Politicians (I am trying to be polite)
Azmin Ali
Can't you wait till the Manek Urai by-election is over before you open your mouth about the Selangor whatever underground scandal? Didn't you know TGNA was protecting the interests of PKR and Anwar all along to keep PR intact by going against his very own party president and deputy president? Can you show a little bit of gratitude to TGNA?
Kedah MB and Thomas Su
Go and do it your way. Just follow your bad emotions. Act first before thinking. Forget about the forthcoming by-election, forget that it will have any adverse effect on any incoming by-election. If there's a second time, all these people should be whipped.
PAS Kelantan Election Machinery
Whoa … 2000 votes, and the best thing was the announcement came before 5pm. This just proved your whole election machinery was not functioning. Overly confident — but blind to say the least. Stupid, this announcement just came like your premature announcement of Husam Musa winning the PAS deputy president post. Please revamp and get the ass out of here.
Well, I guess you should be able to comfort yourself with thousands of reasons why you should be happy with this result. But, a loss is still a loss. The tide can turn back anytime. WE DID NOT LOSE THE VOTES TO YOU, WE JUST LOST IT OURSELVES. That's something you should keep in mind! Hey, thanks for the goodies you brought in to Manek Urai over the last few days though …. And Tan Sri Muhyiddin, the bridge please? The people of Manek Urai Baru and Lama voted for BN …. remember to keep your promise, sir. It's not our fault that BN lost — you didn't offer to build bridges to the other kampungs besides us …. We kept our promise, please remember to keep yours. We love you, Tan Sri.