Dissecting what TML wrote
By Hakim Joe
TML : I am a Malaysian from a middle class family. I have been following this issue on Kg Buah Pala and see the injustice that has happened to them.
HJ : What injustice? The case is not closed yet. The Penang government is still looking for a way to settle this Gerakan-created problem without bankrupting the state. What if LGE settled it, will it still stand as an injustice (in your mind)?
TML : I didn’t even know about the existence of Kg Buah Pala and the trouble they were in until HINDRAF highlighted the whole issue and I am sure many Malaysians too.
HJ : Hindraf espouses a few statements and you believed them? What Hindraf was trying to do is to merely politicize this issue primarily for their own benefit. You did not even know about the existence of Kg Buah Pala but yet you deem yourself an avenging heroine.
TML : There are many writeups by people from different parts of the society and when I see the comments written by Malaysians, I am actually shocked.
HJ : Why are you shocked? Do you mean that comments made by Malaysians that do not conform to your personal view are “shocking”?
TML : Here, until about two weeks ago many did not even have an opinion until the whole thing was brought to light by HINDRAF and today everyone is a loyar buruk.
HJ : Making assumptions now, are you? This issue was already being discussed more than two weeks ago and Hindraf took the opportunity to politicize it and it became national news. Loyar buruk? Look who is talking. Get your facts right before even attempting to criticize those whose views you do not like. And what has this issue got to do with lawyers?
TML : Some of the comments are so pathetic that it runs down on racial lines and condemns HINDRAF and even those residents of Kg Buah Pala of being selfish, arrogant and hostile against the state government.
HJ : Do you seriously mean that Hindraf cannot ever be condemned? Racist? Ever read Hindraf’s 18-point Memorandum or did you not know of the existence of such a document? As for Kg Buah Pala’s hostile actions against the state government, isn’t that true and that did they not apologize to LGE for it?
TML : For them it is either viewing HINDRAF as racist or jumping boat or the Kg Buah Pala people are so insignificant but never the fault of the beloved DAP government although the truth is the state government screwed up in this matter.
HJ : Get your facts right! Hindraf was never part of Pakatan and Hindraf IS racist! The Gerakan government of Penang initiated this event. Why weren’t you crying foul when they did what they did? Selective memory or selective criticism?
TML : Everything about Kg Buah Pala is revolved with an obsession that the state government never faulted in handling this matter but it is HINDRAF and Kg Buah Pala residents who are at fault for their own benefits and of course the previous government.
HJ : Nobody ever said that, only you did. Like what you said, Hindraf highlighted this issue and caught your attention. Hindraf issued ultimatums (from overseas) and that’s correct? As for the previous government (who started it), aren’t they at fault? Selective memory again?
TML : I wonder how liberated is our mind in Malaysia when obsession with half truth overrides the truth and the inaction on the part of the government for the spin created by the Penang state government to sweep it under the carpet.
HJ : (Told you that you should have concentrated on what your English teacher was teaching…) Half truths? What half truths? Care to specify? Or is this a case of “whatever Hindraf said is the absolute truth and whatever everybody else says are half-truths”?
TML : Isn’t this the same thing that BN has been doing for the last 52 years and it appears the role has reversed itself in Penang with DAP?
HJ : Gerakan, which is part of BN, initiated it and implemented it. DAP is trying to salvage it. Someone just got his passport back and somebody else wants to come home from exile. Get it? No…?
TML : Nobody seems to take the trouble to understand the truth but continue to make assumption that this must be because Lim Guan Eng says so.
HJ : So, what’s the truth? Do you understand the truth? If you are reading this, I’d like your version of the truth.
TML : Lim Guan Eng must be the Mahathir of Penang, because for 22 years, nobody did anything about him nor questioned him and even if you were to do that you will be totally squashed or his spin masters will do the job for him.
HJ : Nobody questioned him for 22 years about the conditions in Penang because he was not the CM then. That’s the difference. Comprendo? I disagree that one will be totally squashed if one were to question him now. If that was the case, there’ll be no more opposition in Penang and Hindraf would have ceased to exist now.
TML : The latest spin by Suara Keadilan is a classic tale of the forgotten truth but a spin that is so biased and self reflective of the similar mold that resembles our very own BN.
HJ : “Forgotten truth”? If the truth (as you said) was forgotten, then how can you remember? Or did you simply just accidentally found the truth under a rock? Big rock? Small rock? Medium sized rock?
TML : Sadly our Malaysians will continue to fall prey to this tactics when the truth is highlighted by HINDRAF on the plight of the Kg Buah Pala residents, they would rather blindly run into a conclusion without a thought for the truth but how rightful the mighty state government have been in playing the spinmaster’s role.
HJ : You mentioned “forgotten truth” in the last paragraph. Now you tell us that Hindraf “knows” the truth and that we should accept blindly this “truth” as espoused by Hindraf. One question, “Did you and the members of Hindraf find the “truth” under a rock together?” Once again… Big rock? Small rock? Medium sized rock?
TML : I guess we deserve the government that we chose.
HJ : Yes, we do and how sad it must be for you that Hindraf is NOT the government.
TML : Sure, go ahead, I must be from the other side trying to stir the pot, being paid off, offered a position, maybe a Datukship, all for money even if I were to tell you that I am just a normal, average person who sees the truth. Malaysians “Mah”. So sure, so real, so correct always, never wrong, always just and fair just like Lim Guan Eng with the Kg Buah Pala residents.
HJ : UMNO might be perceived as mindless but even they are not that foolish enough to offer you anything. Do you really believe that you deserve something? And here we go again about the “truth” that you alone are capable of seeing which is “forgotten”. Make up your mind! Is it forgotten or not? Can I see it please? Pretty Please??? I promise that after “seeing” it, I would not post it up on Youtube.