By Zorro
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SHIEH to say that they will make an official announcement in just a moment. PAS is expected to win by a slim 65 majority. After this PAS has to sit down for some serious soul-searching session on what went wrong, and what contributed to it going wrong. Yes I agree that PAS was a tad too confident.
SHEIH called to inform that three SPR officials form Johore we trying to bring in 2 bags. The were stopped by the PAS people,
Unofficial results:PAS wins by 65 votes. Earlier there were fears of Postal Votes. But its negligible number if massaged would play a significant role. But would the EC dare?
We are getting conflicting results…we won't speculate until we get confirmation.
Duke and Lina says that the festivities have begun from Manek Urai up to Kuala Krai. I have told Duke and Stephen that it was necessary to go to the counting centre. They have done a good job since 7:30am and I think they deserve to join the PAS people in the celebrations. We will continue celebrating here when they return tonight. Meantime I will fix some scrambled eggs for dinner. However we will announce the official tally when we get them.
A request from Lina: Her blog can be accessed at
Kickdefella Sheih just called to relay this breaking news: The BN entrance to the Counting Centre is empty. Bn abandoned their election machinery by 3:00pm
Duke and Stephen are taking a well deserved rest before they start filing in report from the counting centre. Maybe it is just an academic exercise as PAS has declared victory way ahead of the counting and Malaysiakini has the story HERE.
But lets follow how the victory came about, where and when.
Many, including Lina herself have asked me why her readers cannot access her site. Lina just sent this note and asked me to put it up: Zorro, visitors to my blog were forbidden and denied access. Is it possible you could help me issue apologies. Not server problem cos 8 other websites on same server were up and running.
I can empathise with Lina. I know her myriads of readers were looking forward for her updates from MU. In fact, we discussed about picking up each other's updates yesterday evening. This morning she sent in her observations to this blog. Lina i am sorry but cheer up, there is always the big one in Sarawak, no?
For those of you who have sms me about money flying around. Read Malaysiakini story HERE
STEPHEN is back with us….he report the action Duke missed: Massive jams and heavy policed presencesince the altercations between both sides. Two PAS supporters were hurt by by a rock and a bottle. The man was hit on forehead by rock and the lady had to have 3 stitches on her right cheek. Light Strike Force personnel has come in but the verbal taunts and insults continue. Having a cold milo peng to replace the beer….This is the place to keep an eye on today….
Lina reports that traffic out of MU is horrendous and the ostentatious escort given to BN by the police escort is making the jam more pronounced. Tok Guru will be at the PAS operation centre at 7:00pm.
DUKE reporting from Manek Urai Baru.….PAS supporters have left. Voter presence negligible. Now shooting off to Kg. Peria to be in the thick of things. Will give you a break. Go fry eggs for your brunch. Won't disturb you.
Stephen has not called in for more than an hour…..hope he has not succumbed to the heat or he is under some shady tree sweeging on something that fell from heaven. I did pray for a miracle for him.
I have been receiving quite a number of queries as to BN giving out money…ranging from 300ringgit to some 1400ringgit. A few have accused EC impersonators going around with these ang pows. I will not publish unless those accusations can be verified. Let's not use the EC as whipping boys. Let's be fair, although there is nothing fair about war.
Dukes despatch: Haji just called to inform that there is again some trouble in Sg. Peria where there was an earlier incident. (this place has the largest concentration of voters and this was the place that held the Ceremah Perdana where Tok Guru, Anwar and Kit Siang spoke)
There also was some commotion in Sok but things have cooled down and UMNO supporters have left the polling area. PAS campaigners still encouraging stragglers to quickly go vote. However, I the Whisperer officially declare polloing just about over in Sok
DUKE says activities at Chucho Puteri still ongoing. Durian feast at PAS pondok panas.Voter turnout 70%
Lina – still traffic crawl….some who left KB at 10:00am arrived in MU around 2pm. Voters still streaming in to cast their votes. The flow is constant.
DUKE says that both rival supporters groups have more or less disbanded in Kampung Sg. Sok. Activities coming to an end.
As at 2:00pm 80% have voted.
From Duke who cannot move yet because two of his riders are still voting. :Fauzi (Topen Perak) will be uploading some pics….will let you know when they are ready to be linked….meantime I wait for my two boys as we are going to have a durian kunyit feast courtesy of good people of PAS kelante. Yummy. ( Why have you got to mention that feast….that is cruel….just you wait…..or is it the revenge of the Whisperer over the beers)
Stephen thinks that there is something not right in laloh: the number of yellow-garbed SPR people far outnumber the police. When I visited the loo, at least 9 lined in formation as though to welcome me and show me to the loo (People First?). The do not speak the local Kelate dialect. Are they the phantoms imported by BN. Just wondering why so many of them here and in Manjor. (Stephen, try kidnapping one and squeeze him there until he tells you why he is there and how much is the remuneration……wish I was there!)
Lina reports of high spirits amongst PAS. People give me the thumbs up when they see me in my PKR vest. Tok Guru is iconic and formidable. No once can replace him. Traffic still a crawl….took me an hour between Kg Pahi and Sg. Peria. Even when I wanted to visit the loo in the pollin centre, there were at least 9 of them lined up as though to welcome me and show me to the loo. WHY and they dont look local at all and some too young. New breed phantoms? Why so many here and in Manjor too.
DUKE is calling a break. Will be going for one last coverage in 10 minutes time. Many voters chose to come out early to vote making our jobs easier. Last update on overall turnout 68%….YAWN….
I am sorry for the oversight.
Forgive, OK?
Voters are casting their votes in nine polling centres – SK Temalir, SK Peria, SK Manek Urai, SK Manek Urai Baru, SK Sungai Sok, SK Chuchoh Puteri, SK Lata Rek, SK Kampung Karangan, and SMK Laloh.
Feedback from PAS op centre overall turnout stands at58%, reported Duke. However EC says it now stands at 68%.
Election Commission (EC) chairperson Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof was upset that an earlier agreement reached between the EC and the contesting parties that supporters stay at least 50 metres away from the polling stations was not observed.
"It appears that the EC's advice and the agreement with the parties were not observed. We will have to keep this in mind in future by-elections and general elections," he told reporters after visiting the polling station at Sekolah Kebangsaan Peria here where the incident took place.
DUKE reported this at 11:43am
Supporters of both parties had milled around the entrance to the polling station, taunting each other until the police was called in to restore calm.
The Election Commission expects the voter turnout to be around 85%.
….and Duke is turning poetic….."some 5km from Sg. Peria we descend upon a rustic village of Temalir. (Duke, what vegetable did you have for your tea-break?) …..Was not allowed to go near the polling centre. Road leading to centre is about 60metres. Voter turnout as at 12:43 stands at 50%. No reception around this area. Big police presence for such a small constituency….900 voters. No aggressiveness from both parties and yet the police are making a show of their presence.
Shanghai Fish says that as of now 774 or 73% of Manjor have cast their votes. (Shang….go hunt for your chill ones…..dont be surprised somebody may pull you in for a beer….the road runs through two rows of houses, yes?…just look out for a friendly hand….you never know….there could be some home-brewed thingy….if your luck is good. Cheers)
Shang has gone into the interior – Kg Karangan. He sent this: Report ing from Kawasan Manjor, Kg Karangan. Total voters 1049. As at 11:30 572 or 55% have voted. Most disciplined crowd…maybe because of its remote location. (Stephen, this is an UMNO stronghold….PAS had only 26 votes in the last election). Few police present. Both parties mixing and no cheering or jeering… crucial observation…..non-presence of youth glaringly obvious. Probably why this polling scene is peaceful…..OK got to move to another outpost…….in the meantime I am gonna rob or steal some beers …..( Shang….I am about to have a chilled one….will drink one for you….LOL). Be safe OK and let me know when you reach your next post. ( Dang, I know how he pines for a chill one now.)
Duke reports from Sg. Peria: There are complaints to PAS that some ballot papers here comes without PAS logo. EC seems to be the main culprit. This was reported by Hj Marshid.
Duke continues: Got news that the nearby pusat kesedar is being used to buy votes. Many people are seen moving in and out. I only wished I could go in….but I have taken some pics of the activity..
Even Mafrel personnel were refused entrance into the pusat. (Mafrel should lodge a report as they are the official mandated observers.)
The Malaysian Insider:
Most political pundits have given Parti Islam SeMalaysia (PAS) the edge in today’s by-election for a rural seat in Kelantan, the state controlled by PAS.
Hello, hello, Shang…..tea-break is only 15 minutes, do you hear?
11:49: Duke sees the FRU coming in to control the fracas which the Unit Amal tried to quell. Situation was tensed for a while. PAS supporters continue to be pushed away from the road fringe.
Duke, you stay safe and clear from trouble spots.
From where Lina is, both parties are trading insults, jeers at each other….however BN is outnumbered.
Duke in Sg Peria: Massive jams because the polling station is on the main road. Atmosphere is tense here. Both sides equally matched in numbers and vocal abilities. Possibility of trouble, but Unit Amal is around to prevent this. Water bottles are being thrown…..mayhem now.
UPDATE from EC: Turnout was recorded at 57.6 percent or7,085 as at 11am, according to the Election Commission (EC).
Duke now in Kg. Sg. Peria. SP has the hightest voter concentration – 4K plus, equivalent to a third of total voters for Manek Urai. My 2 boys going to cast their vote here now.
Shanghai Fish still in MU Lama…….very tense but under control because of heavy Light Strike Force presence…..FRU standby on the fringe…..heavy vocal match ……jeering and shouts of Mongolia and Altantuya resounding…. UMNO shouting back: PAS tipu.
This verbal battle still prevails.
Shang, Duke and Lina having break… do likewise….give me a chance to go get my eggs done.
Guys….why don't we take a break. I am going to fry three eggs for brunch. Tiger would be ok as we ran out of 3 in 1.
You guys out there…..don't go away…..go have a break.
The Whisperer is baiting me: "Tok Zorro, you eat your heart out. Wouldn't trade this atmosphere for your comfort. Fantastic atmosphere. A PAS win if what I see is an indication…..signing off to feed my boys and nurse my ass." (He means back)
I hope Shanghai dont call and Lina too…..let me go fry some eggs….three of course.
Guys, cha-bor from Ipoj JONG, saya: Hi Z, good job you guys doing over there. Thanx
Duke caught sight of DPM moving around Sok. Duke observed that he looked "artificially" pleased. I am amazed by some of the expressions that come out……articially pleased….ah well it is the andrenalin fix all right. Duke continue: His (Mubi) eyes tell antother story: UMNO %u@#*^ aledi.
Voter turnout at Chucho Puteri encouraging, observed Duke. People are coming out in droves to ink their rights. Duke is now moving over to Kg. Sg. Sok. Watch your back Duke.
Stephen has crossed the bridge and now in MU Lama. Voter registered is 1890.
Lina has yet to see any car flying BN flag pass by. How to win psychological war if you are shy, she laments. PAS supporter presence is so obvious.
Duke reporting from Chucho Puteri – cheers and jeers the order of the day here. Police seen mingling amongst both camps. PAS supporters outnumber BN 3-1. Voter turnout encouraging. Shouts of Hidup, hidup, hidup rakyat and takbir blares their this durian township.
Lina dropped by PAS ops centre and was told that 20% have cast their votes. He is now in MU Baru and will be in the thick of things – the boisterous behavior that is. I can now alert Stephen to move to MU Lama. Lina feeling hungry….the crackling fires and dancing flames on the lemang is getting to her….and she says that she is hungry, and a hungry man is an angry man…..hold it Lina, you woman….and a dang good looking one too….let the men get angry….get away from the lemang will ya.
Stephen reports that there is boisterous reparte between both camps in MU Baru. I asked him to stay put there before proceeding across the bridge to MU Lama. The police have wedged a vehicle as demarcation to separate the two groups. Groups jeering at the police. Tension mounting here in MU Baru….more police arriving. FRU stationed in vicinity. The police are doing their best and the people should cooperate. There seems to be a tendency of the local mata mata to be more accommodating with the PAS boys.
Duke is putting out this alert: " I notice something unusual from other Belections. EC bringing in unusual high number of young voting age workers. Suspect phantoms to be in this form. Covering Chucho Puteri now. Long hilly ride with sore ass and not good for my bad back. WTF"
Duke, Stephen and Lina – Just received this from my blogger friend Sakmongkol AK47: "Salute to you and your team for your efforts in Manek Urai"
Thanks Datuk Sak.
Stephen the Fish(monger) from Shanghai is safe in MU Baru. People shuffling and jostling to the front to campaign (which they are not supposed to do – campaigning on Polling day)….Police called in to control this pandemonium. Police. Police putting up their familiar plastic ribbon….as though it will help….voter turnout is still low…..but situation is under control. Police effective.BN supporters all given umbrellas …… these distributed by a SUV going around.
Registered voters at MU Baru is 1093.
Thanks Stephen.
Hey, Duke….me here in Pasir Hor….you keep your cool ok about the UMNO aunties….I want you back here unmarked.
Hoi, Shanghai…..what's happening…..has the pungent nasi kerabu taken its toll….let me know so I wont be bugging you… have been off the air. Over.
Duke amused by the antics of Wanita UMNO…..who are taking photos of the kids and threatening to report these to their principals……these must be having a collective "monthly thing" together….programed by Rosie?
At Duke's end, voter turnout is moderate for time being….trouble still brewing….the UMNO Wanita just wants to create some flak. Hurling threats at youngsters for campaigning for PAS. Here too in MU they have imported SOUR GRAPES.
Lina says that voting have been brisk. PAS supporters-strength very marked. Lina met up with some PAS wanita campaigners in Chucho Puteri.
This might help: Voter will have nine hours, until 5pm, to cast their votes in this crucial by-election. The result is expected to be known by 8pm.
Umno is fielding its Kuala Krai Youth chief Tuan Aziz Tuan Mat as its candidate, while PAS is banking on its Kuala Krai treasurer, Mohd Fauzi Abdullah.
Manek Urai has 12,293 voters of whom 99.2 percent are Malays, while the remainder are Chinese and Indians.
It is learnt that both candidates are not registered voters in this constituency.
Wanita UMNO according to Duke is giving some trouble to police in MU baru. Barged into PAS territory and refusing to move away despite police plea. Dang, I thought Wanita is looking after Rosmah instead of coming into the kampongs.
Lina joins in and reported that congestion is evidenced in
Traffic crawl and this is only the fringe of MU. Police on bikes doing their morning ride-around. Most cars have PAS flags…..saw only one lonely car with BN….guess some seeing the heavy presence of PAS supporters have brought down their BN flags from their cars. Poor souls.
Duke: Stephen will cover the southern sector. I will cover north. Over.
Friend from KL called to ask if PAS was going to win by 55%. Told him I got to polish my crystal ball and get back to him.
PAS machinery all set. More cars flying PAS flags. The Blue Blitz has hoisted our lucky mascot – our green PAS flag that we have had sine KT days.
Duke got news from Sg Peria that the traffic jam has already started from the main trunk road. Weather remains clear with chance of shower in late afternoon…..not bad Duke's weather lingo. And he ends with: Can't wait to get into action. Can feel andrenalin pumping. May Allah Bless us all. TAKBIR!
…..that nasi kerabu is dynamite….you dont know you are missing and you are compaining that Kelantanese food is forever sweet….you miss something buddy….These two guys Duke and Shanghai are going to bring in the news fast and .
Barisan Bloggers on the road to Manek Urai since 6:15am. They stopped at Kadok to savor its famous nasi kerabu and coffee. Will try to get some 40 winks before the action starts. I am at Pasir Hor and Duke and Stephen will cover MU….on hired motobikes.
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