Why is everyone so afraid of the IGP
By Ghifari X
On covering the MAS No.6 episode, I find Badawi to be heartless and wicked. Looking at the evidence, he should have at least protected CCD Dato Ramli Yusuf. Rather, he left the 3rd in command – the country’s 3rd top most ranking police officer ‘PDRM’ – to the wolves.
Our current IGP have made a saint of Rahim Noor as he is the most brazen, shameless apostle of everything gone wrong in the PDRM. His un-pretence in knowingly lobbying and subsequently awarding (a) contract(s) to ex-Israeli agents with the nation’s intelligence and security tantamount to betrayal not just of Islam and the Malays but the nation as a whole.
I wonder if Dr. M really understood what he had done to the country when he chose a coward such as Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to fill the gap where he so screwed up when he violently and illegally removed Anwar Ibrahim from office. Dr. M, I’ve to hand it to you – you really messed up.
The country is in a tailspin; every institution, every ministry, have been compromised and rotting to a point where the masses are not only hurting but hating.
Leaders are scoffed and scorned. Our youths are in silent mode rebellion where the old holds no sway and distrust reeks at every attempt for a compromise. The country as it seems at the moment has one spiritual adviser; our person held in high esteem who does not need his name mentioned, and Anwar Ibrahim's family who can be trusted. It doesn’t matter what the government say or does indeed.
Dr. M had turned his dream on its head yet to all who thought that the opportunity had arrived to fill the political gaps through Anwar persecutions and the late Honorable Fadil Noor's departure seems to be in constant tumble on every hurdle. None is spared, not even under the pretense of Dialogue; one simply cannot sly his/her way into extending any form of life to the current administrators' Palace or Cabinet.
It’s not about Chinese, Indian, Malay or others. It’s about grand theft abuse and the belittling of the nation’s youth. It’s about old men hanging on while the ship is in a whirlpool yet sponging the country without any shame despite public disapproval.
The middle class have had it a long time ago and they are split between morality and a false sense of security. “Shhhhh! Sebab I’m holding a post now, got two vehicles to pay fo,r two semi-Ds and a low cost Gomen flat and my children are in university with a MARA scholarship.”
Patriotism has gone, religion is in a quandary and our courts are in the hands of a single party. Nothing motivates the people anymore except PKR's blog and the steal of occasional ceramahs by opposition forces. My wife sleeps in front of the TV if she turns it on but will studiously await the 8 O'clock news bulletin every night when she returns home from office; Al hamdulillah darah stabil.
Dr Mahathir and gang have undone all the supposedly good things he had done when he went after Anwar. Even for the die-hard skeptics, the first trial was enough to know that he was the one manifestly in error. However, Najib and Badawi strengthened the public's opinion, and in fact the world's opinion as well, when Saiful was thrust into the government orgy thereby obliterating all doubt and those confused.
It is clear that the forces of retribution wouldn’t let UMNO-BN off the hook – just as Anwar was brought down so will they be, it seems.
It’s everywhere; everything and everyone involved directly and indirectly seems to be reeling into the cobweb of the conspired sodomy No.1 and it is taking a toll on the country as well. In the meantime, the fakes and impostors in the opposition are being weeded out in their own way.
It’s a transformation so unique one may have to rewrite Malaysian history through a cocktail of soap operas that will grip the next 4-5 generations. Malaysian TV could capture Emmy(s) unlike its favorite son P Ramli. As a matter of economical viability and cultural aggrandizement, we have better stories (truthful) to be aired.
I’d urge any youth in the sastra faculty at any of our local universities to start compiling all the materials out there.