Yes, Selangor state exco should be reshuffled.
By Wee Choo Keong
I fully support the call by YB Azmin Ali, Bukit Antarabangsa assemblyman, for certain Selangor exco members who are not fit for office to be replaced.
Personally I’ve had and continue to receive many complaints from the Pakatan Rakyat members and business communities in Selangor that the office of a certain exco member had been and is continuing to be used as a meeting place for people connected with the “underground business activities.”
This is an open secret within the Selangor State’s administrative office. This is most unhealthy as it will give the impression that the exco member is in support of the “underground business activities” and the impropriety will eventually affect the image of the Pakatan government.
YB Azmin Ali spoke in the State Assembly as a people’s representative and he was conveying the public’s concern and at the same time protecting the well-being of the Pakatan government in Selangor.
It was most unfortunate that the immediate response of the so-called “senior” state exco, YB Teresa Kok, was to attack YB Azmin Ali and it showed a “bad attitude and sheer arrogance” on her part for calling for the removal of YB Azmin Ali as the President of the Backbenchers’ Club.
As a matter of interest, in my limited experience in politics, I have never heard of nor come across an official title known as a “senior” exco member. Besides being laughable, should one had insisted upon its creation the covetousness itself would speak volumes of an underlying psychological condition. Anyway, as the so-called “senior” exco member, I would have expected YB Teresa Kok to have taken some time to examine the call by YB Azmin Ali and investigate whether there was any substance in what he had said instead of reacting like a typical green-horn would do.