Where is democracy?
Press Conference: Civil Society’s KPI for Najib for his next 100 days as PM
The People's Parliament
July 11th marks the first 100 days of Najib’s premiership.
Will his 100-day performance serve as an indicator for how our country is likely to be governed for the next four years, or was it all a big public relations exercise?
The next 100 days is just as critical and we, civil society organisations (CSOs), want to throw the gauntlet down to Najib to extend his program of reform to all aspects of life in the country, especially in the critical sphere of good governance. We would like to announce civil society’s Key Performance Indicators for the Government that can strengthen the process of democratization in Malaysia.
A group of 10 organisations who initiated this call will hold a press conference on Friday, 10 July 2009 at 11am at the Main Auditorium, Level 1, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall, Jalan Maharajalela, KL. We cordially invite a journalist and photographer from your organisation to cover the press conference.