Exclusive interview with Khairy Jamaluddin: BN wants only PAS
We are just talking to PAS but not DAP and Keadilan. They are still the Opposition. Because PAS started the discussion with us and we talk not only about Malay and Muslim issues but as well Internal Security Act (ISA), freedom of speech and national issues.
By TAY TIAN YAN and HWN YAUL LEN/Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/Sin Chew Daily
Question: MCA does not agree that UMNO to talk to PAS in order to form a unity government?
Answer: They are not opposed to it, but they have their concerns. They just reminded us not to forget about other member parties.
I’ve said since the beginning that if we talk to PAS, we are not going to talk only about the unity of Malays but issues about Malaysians. I don’t think that UMNO and PAS will exclude other people. I believe that UMNO and PAS hope to include all.
UMNO initiated the One Malaysia concept while PAS as well a part for all. I don’t think that there is something to be worried about. We are not talking about the unity of Malays or Muslims. We are just exploring the areas of cooperation. If it is successful, then it will not be “UMNO-PAS government” but “BN-PAS government” in which PAS will be part of BN.
Q: Why do you talk only to PAS, but not other parties?
A: Because PAS’s leaders do not have personal prejudice against UMNO. But for DAP and Keadilan, they have a prejudice against UMNO. PAS leaders are more rational. We can talk to rational people but it is hard to talk to someone who has personal prejudice against us.
Q: You are talking about the unity government, isn’t it contradicting the two-line system?
A: No no no, DAP and Keadilan will still be there. We are just talking to PAS but not DAP and Keadilan. They are still the Opposition. Because PAS started the discussion with us and we talk not only about Malay and Muslim issues but as well Internal Security Act (ISA), freedom of speech and national issues.
Q: PAS said if you are going to talk, it wants DAP and Keadilan to join. Is UMNO going to ask MCA and other member parties to join the discussion?
A: Of course! If we can first talk to PAS, we will definitely let other member parties to join. We don’t want to make any decision without the participation of other member parties.
UMNO and PAS are having a common history, so we can start first. But this does not mean that we want to exclude others, I want other member parties to join.
I want to stress here that if we decide to “get married”, then it would be participated and agreed by other member parties. We will not act against their will.
If we want to get married, it would be “the marriage between BN and PAS” instead of “the marriage between UMNO and PAS”.
Hard to get two-third majority in the next general elections
Q: What is your forecast for the next general elections?
A: It is still a difficult battle. But I’m optimistic. If we fully support the Prime Minister and assist him to successfully reform, we can still get the victory.
Q: Can BN retrieve the two-third majority?
A: It will be very difficult. We will try our best.
Q: How about other states?
A: I think it is very difficult for Penang and Kelantan but we have chances for the other three states. We will work for it.
Swine Flu? Dr Rais Yatim has underestimated the rural people
Q: What do think about the insistence of Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim to use the term swine flu?
A: Since the Cabinet has decided to use A(H1N1), we should use the term. He said it may confuse the rural people but I think he has underestimated the rural people’s wisdom. Kampung people are not stupid as he thinks, please don’t insult them.
Q: What do think about his way of thinking?
A: I think he has underestimated the people’s understanding. Newspapers explain what does H1N1 mean every day, how could the people don’t understand? But he still believes that people don’t understand and the term swine flu must be used to make it clear.
At least it is a right thing to do
Q: Do you think most of the UMNO members support you?
A: I hope so. Whatever we are doing now, we are not focusing on Malays but Malaysians. My biggest challenge would be to change them, to change their thoughts. I don’t know whether I’m going to success, it is not easy.
Malays have been trained to come out with such kind of products. But if I can change them, I’ve succeeded.
Some people said, “KJ, your efforts may not necessarily be successful”. But I think that even if I’ve failed, I fail to do something right instead of fail to do something wrong.
Some people asked me, why don’t you just follow the majority’s will? I believe that if I follow the majority’s will, then I wouldn’t be a leader, but a follower.
Leaders mean to lead and make changes, instead of blindly follow the majority’s will.
Q: Do you think that there is an improvement for the money politics phenomenon in UMNO?
A: We are going to hold an extraordinary general assembly in October to amend the party’s constitutions, allowing direct votes for party leaders. If we can have more direct elected leaders, vote-buying problem can be reduced.
Q: How are you going to persuade the party members as it means to ask them hand over their power to other members?
A: We must work hard to persuade them. Those who do not support it might be the “party tyrants”.
Q: But you have 2600 party tyrants (central delegates), they control the divisions.
A: But we are asking for the support of 3 million party members, which are stronger than 2600 central delegates. If they prevent us from changing, we must confront them with the grass-roots. I believe that we can do it.