Why would I fabricate my own sodomy case, it is more spin
(Suara Keadilan) – From having to defend himself against a second round of sodomy charges, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim is now in an odd situation of having to deny that he was the one who fabricated those allegations, not his arch rival Prime Minister Najib Razak.
The twist comes as Najib’s minders switch strategy to contain the Pakatan Rakyat’s advance in the local political scene.
In recent days, they have attacked Anwar, the de-facto head of Pakatan, for forcing a by-election in Penanti, Penang. Yet it was Najib’s government that triggered the resignation of assemblyman Fairus Khairuddin when it warned that corruption charges would soon be levied against the latter.
Accusations are now rife that Anwar schemed his own sodomy case in order to gain public sympathy.
“I have a wife and six children. I went through hell. I don’t play this game of gutter politics,” Anwar told the Australian Broadcasting Corp in an interview.
“I was harassed, stripped naked again and then thrown into a police lock-up and had to suffer a full night sleeping on a cement floor with my bad back. This was done by the corrupt and oppressive regime.”
Undeniable link to Najib
The reform icon reiterated that he was framed, pointing out that the sodomy charges came as he announced his intention to contest the Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat.
At that time, Najib was still the deputy prime minister. It is well-known in political circles that he was worried that Anwar’s return to Parliament could derail his ambitions of succeeding Abdullah Badawi as PM.
Najib has also been forced to admit that he met Anwar’s accuser, Mohd Saiful Bukhari, before the government brought charges against him. The opposition leader is now due to face the court in July, with sodomy being a jailable offence in Malaysia.
Said Anwar: “The issue that we have established is number one; medical records state to the contrary, nothing happened, no penetration, but still they insisted on pursuing with the case. Secondly, this officer, this particular volunteer, is linked to the Deputy Prime Minister’s office, paid by his office’s staff.
“He met Najib, who is now the Prime Minister, met this officer on Monday and then arranged for a report, a meeting with the police on Wednesday, he met me on Thursday, this volunteer, and on Friday he made the report to the police, to the police about the sodomy.
“So the link to Najib is clear.”