Najib promises a transparent and accountable Government
PM: Ministers’ performance to be reviewed every six months
(The Star) – PUTRAJAYA: A Cabinet to serve the people is how Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak described his new line-up of ministers, whose performance will be closely monitored through key performance indicators (KPI).
Saying the era where the Government imposed excessive controls and adopted the attitude of ‘government knows best’ was over, he added his Cabinet promised to take on efforts to build a Government “for the rakyat, and one which will serve the needs of the people”.
The Prime Minister pledged his Cabinet would serve with a sense of integrity and high standards to preserve public trust, talent and ability needed during challenging times.
“My Cabinet will also serve with loyalty to their party, the Government and most importantly the country; and with passion to renew our country for a new century,” he said in his address prior to announcing his highly-anticipated Cabinet yesterday.
The Prime Minister added he had “seen and heard a desire for renewal and change; and for a Government that responds to the needs of the people and prepared to serve future generations.
“I am proud to have selected 28 men and women for our new Government. I am confident they share the same commitment to spur the country to excellence.
“This is the team we hope will mirror our strength and the society’s diversity through Barisan Nasional that represents all from all corners of the country,” he said.
He also announced a series of reforms to be undertaken by the Government to ensure better delivery to all Malaysians.
This included the introduction of the KPI and a more streamlined ministerial infrastructure.
“My Cabinet will not merely be a new team with new faces but equally a repositioning of roles and portfolios.
“It will also mark a new approach towards a transparent and accountable Government, focused on delivery for the people,” he stressed.
Najib also had a message for his ministers.
“Do remember that the people are hoping that we work tirelessly and continuously for the sake of our commitment towards 1Malaysia.
“They also want us to constantly hear their grouses and learn from them. We have been given the honour to serve the people and the nation.
“Therefore, we must accept the honour with humility and dedication. Never rest in our commitment to 1Malaysia. We must never let the people down,” he said.
On the KPI, the Prime Minister said it would focus on impact and not input, on outcome and not output to ensure “value for money public delivery system”, adding that a new unit, led by Tan Sri Koh Tsu Koon, would monitor the KPI.
“Ministers and senior civil servants would be responsible towards their own performance based on the KPI while the 40 deputy ministers would be given specific scope of duties.
“I will direct each minister to prepare a clear KPI on their job scope as well as for their deputies within the next 30 days. I will personally evaluate their performances every six months,” he said.
Later after attending a tahlil prayer, Najib called on Umno members to change their methodology.
For example, he said, the Opposition had resorted to new methodology during the by-elections in Bukit Gantang and Bukit Selambau while Umno was still using the old approach.
“This (to adopt new methodology) will be a very important agenda for us and how we are going to do it we will have to discuss at the supreme council meeting soon,” he said.