The way forward
I thought we would have moved on after KJ won the ketua Pemuda. We would be looking at how to re-engineer Pemuda UMNO. We look forward to infusing Pemuda with new work culture, values and purpose and commonality in aim.
But the long knives are still out there, looking for blood. I suspect the antagonists are mostly supporters of Mukhriz.
Their loyalty to the defeated Mukriz is laudable. But please be reminded that Mukhriz was also beaten by Khir Toyo too. If it were a straight fight between KT and MM, Khir Toyo may have also defeated Mukhriz. So the Mukriz supporters must also assign blame to Khir Toyo and indeed more so, because IT is KT who siphoned off support for MM.
Having been defeated at the UMNO polls the Mukhriz supporters are looking for a convenient avenue by which to blame KJ. Hence they are eagerly looking forward to the 2 by-elections at Bukit Selembau and Bukit Gantang. Unfortunately, they are wishing for the worse. They are hoping to see UMNO lose so that the blame can be assigned to KJ.