Hindraf giving MIC a walkover

Recent events show that Hindraf is willing to give MIC a walkover due to its focus on who will be the candidate for the upcoming Bukit Selambau elections. A messy nominations process can be expected.

A saying in Tamil goes like this “When the village is divided into two, the drama troupe will be the happiest of all” (due to the fact that they get to put up a show for each side and make twice the money. Here, the Drama Troupe is MIC and are they glad looking at the squabbling going on which will give them an easy victory by pushing Indians toward the MIC candidate by announcing to boycott and have an Independent candidate.

Looking at Sabah, we can see that Barisan Nasional has always been winning at any election which have numerous candidates. There have been spoilers who are able to split votes by just being a candidate and giving BN an easy victory. For example, the granny in the March 2008 elections managed to grab enough votes that Mohd Sabu of PAS lost by a thin margin in Kuala Terengganu.
There are many elements who want to get Hindraf out of the way and MIC is among the top in this list. No other pressure group has been able to gather such mass support as that gained by Hindraf. If not for police roadblocks, bus permits cancelled, IGP & Police fear mongering, vehicle searches, harassment by checking mobile phones and media pressure, the 2007 November 25th Peaceful Rally would have seen not 30 thousand but 300 thousand people on the streets.
Indians just have had enough of MIC and the ruling BN for keeping them in the sad state of affairs – out of development, marginalized and discriminated. Neither has the situation been looked upon and anything concrete being done other than churning statistics which are useless. MIC is a one man show who has shown who the boss is.
Hindraf should take MIC to task for the atrocities done especially in the Bukit Selambau area. Take for example Kg. Sungai Getah 2, which has been without water or electricity for over 50 years due to the fact that MIC wanted to keep it that way.
Some politicians were directly involved in this issue and many reports, memorandums and rallies were done for this group of villagers but these well-meaning politicians could not help them as long as their political masters decided what outcome they wanted. The Kg. Sungai Getah 2 saga can be read here
Villagers in the Dark : http://www.aliran.com/oldsite/monthly/2002/1c.html
Vilagers in the Dark sequel : http://www.aliran.com/oldsite/monthly/2002/5a.html
Hindraf should maintain its status quo by being a pressure group instead of squabbling over political clout. Without any power or political affliations, it had been able to garner the Indian masses to support its cause and champion for all Indians in Malaysia.
This is not the time to go against anyone else but MIC. The other parties can have their own representative in the assembly but the Vision and Goals of Hindraf should go on with political power or without. MIC and BN have many tricks up their sleeves to create chaos — and having Indians boycotting the PR candidate is definitely not going to help.
It's time to focus on only one mission — to be rid of MIC's gameplay which will keep Indians subservient for another 50 years. Unite against this with the Makkal Sakthi given by the people to ensure victory in Bukit Selambau.

– Senthil & Revadhi
