Bodoh punya Cina!

Look at that picture again. The keris has been drawn and the faggot is kissing it. That, my dear Cina bodoh, is an act of aggression. No need to wave one! Take out enough mah!


Raja Petra Kamarudin

MCA Youth glad there’s no more waving of the keris

MCA Youth is relieved that Umno Youth has handed over the keris that was the centre of the keris-waving controversy to its outgoing chief Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein for personal safekeeping.

MCA Youth national chairman Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong said that Hishammuddin’s kissing of the keris yesterday at the Umno general assembly could not be likened to his brandishing of it at the 2006 assembly.

“Although Umno Youth could not omit the keris ceremony during their assembly, Hishammuddin understood the consequences of waving the keris and had conducted it in a more understated manner to express his love for his culture.”

“He has shown that he is concerned about the feelings of all Malaysians,” Dr Wee said in a statement yesterday. (The Star, 26 March 2009)


Apa ni Cina bodoh sangat? Hey, MCA, take a look at this:

Can you see the TWO keris on the Umno logo above? Yes, two. The keris is not only a symbol of the dominant party in Barisan Nasional; it is also a symbol of Malay pride and dignity. Have you ever seen an official photograph of any Ruler without a keris either in hand or tucked in his waist? And what would a Malay wedding be without the traditional tanjak and keris (unless you ran away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter)?

For your information, Cina bodoh, Malays DO NOT wave the keris. I mean, it is just so un-Malay to wave anything — unless it is an envelope with RM1,000 in it just before the Umno General Assembly. So why are you so ecstatic that Hishammuddin did not wave the keris?

When you see an enemy you are supposed to just un-sheath the keris. That is why, in the old days, when you had an audience with the Sultan, you tied a ribbon around the keris. This was a sign you would not draw the keris — which means you do not intend to harm the Sultan.

Drawing or un-sheathing the keris is an act of aggression. It is just like the Ghurkhas un-sheathing the Kukri. Once they un-sheath it then it must draw blood. And if they can’t bathe the Kukri in their enemy’s blood then they are supposed to cut their finger and allow the blood to touch the Kukri before sheathing it again.

It’s like what my horny old friend used to tell me. “Once I take out my weapon then I must stab something before putting it back into my pants.” Hey, I did say he was a horny old friend. And what’s worse than a D.O.M., if you know what I mean?

Look at that picture again. The keris has been drawn and the faggot is kissing it. That, my dear Cina bodoh, is an act of aggression. No need to wave one! Take out enough mah! And here we have these MCA idiots happy that Umno Youth just took out the keris and kissed it but did not wave it.

Aiyah, MCA, who are you trying to kid? You bloody Umno running dog. I know you are trying to do damage control here. You are trying to make it appear like Umno Youth has mellowed and is no longer a threat to the Chinese because they did not WAVE the keris. Okay, they drew their keris. They even kissed it. But they did not wave it. So all is peachy and honky dory.

Hah! Bodoh punya Cina MCA. You think the Chinese buy this damage control spin or what? You should have just kept quiet. No need to say anything. Diam saja cukup. Now that you open you mouth and lick Umno’s balls how do you think that makes you look? It makes you look like a ball-licking Umno running dog.

At least, in the previous years, you made some noise — okay, a very small noise — whenever Umno Youth took out their keris. Now you open your mouth and say, “Hooray! Umno Youth did not wave the keris this year.”

Do you know there are millions more keris all over the country? I myself own more than ten. My grandfather used to own more than 1,000. Okay, so Hishammuddin is taking that one stupid keris home as a keepsake. But there are a million more from where that came from. And how do you know that one or more of those one million will not emerge and be waved around if the Chinese ‘kurang ajar’?

It is time MCA stopped playing the role of ball-licker and running dog to Umno. Hey, I am not even Chinese. Okay, I may not be ‘proper’ Malay as well. But I am certainly not Chinese. Yet even I dah menyampah with MCA. And why do the Chinese still support MCA? Bodoh punya Cina. MCA is Umno’s running dog and Umno tells the Chinese to go back to China and the Chinese support MCA.

Bodoh punya Cina!
