I find it almost COMICAL THAT Dr Mahathir has got mountains of advise for everybody and anybody…well you know what they say about opinions and everybody having an ……
I have some Million Ringgit Questions for him and his supporters, so here goes…
1. Dr Mahathir says that Najib should rid his cabinet of corrupt politicians or those perceived to be corrupt. The funny thing is he himself failed to do so when many in today's cabinet perceived to be corrupt are his appointees and they were perceived to be corupt from when he was the PM.
2. Dr Mahathir says perception is very important, and Najib should take heed of public perception about his cabinet…but Dr Mahathir is letting Najib of the hook, as Najib too suffers from a hugh negative perception so how?
3. Dr Mahathir says that allegations about Najib are purely that and perception but there has been no legal charge, well so are many others perceived to be corrupt but sentenced by Dr Mahathir himself as guilty….why the double standards?
More questions at: