Strong Man Versus Strong Leadership

By LIM MUN FAH/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily

He will officially become the chief of UMNO next week and the sixth Prime Minister of Malaysia in another two weeks. 

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will become the top leader of the country's largest and most powerful political party and government. It seems like there are not much to be concerned about as the rest are just procedural problems.

All will soon become a reality.

In fact, many political observers believe that over the past month, from the Perak regime power change, the introduction of the mini-budget, actions taken against DAP Chairman Karpal Singh and his MP son, to the efforts in eliminating money politics in UMNO, Najib has shown his strong leadership style.

"He will never permit the regime be ruined in his hands."

In fact, foreign press reports and Internet rumours have some negative impact on Najib. A recent survey conducted by Merdeka Center showed that Najib's popularity rate is only 41%, which is 5% lower than Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi, who is stepping down soon. However, Najib is relatively more decisive and effective than Abdullah. It is believed that his bold steps taken in fighting against corruption could help him to set up a good image.

Najib succeeds Abdullah as the country's leader during a difficult time full of external and internal problems. He knows very well that he has no choice but to change UMNO, as well as BN. Otherwise, he would have to hand the regime to others in the next general elections. Therefore, he must take bold steps for an immediate efficiency.

All leaders pursue their positions in the history, including Najib. He will never permit the regime be ruined in his hands. Thus, he has taken strong attacks as a strong man even before he takes up the post.

We can see from the situation that Najib does indeed possess the qualifications as the next strong man of Malaysia after Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. However, the process of becoming a strong man will not be smooth without a hitch. He is going to face a backlash. He must have courage, he must take the risks and he must pay the price.

When it comes to Najib's era, do we need a powerful strong man or a strong leadership that relies on systems, teamwork and political performances?

The democratic process has come to an important juncture in history. We must rationally consider and cautiously choose between a strong man and a strong leadership.
