Of cousins and concubines
After an absence of some months, Deep Throat Sabah returns with an expose on Datuk Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili, the Deputy President of Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS). The public Ongkili and the private Ongkili are two different people. The image Ongkili maintains in Sabah and what he is really like outside Sabah would shock even the most liberal of Sabahans.
Deep Throat Sabah
What is the difference between half the politicians in Malaysia and Dr Chua Soi Lek? Dr Chua got caught doing it whereas the others are still doing it but have not been caught yet.
The mandatory qualifications to be a politician in Malaysia seems to be the ability to ampu, to be able to karaoke, to be corrupted to the core, to be dysfunctional — especially between the brain and the mouth — and finally, the most important one, to be able to womanise.
Half the detractors of Dr Chua Soi Lek, who were braying for his blood, were doing the same thing but without getting caught. At least the good doctor, besides putting on a good show, had the gumption to admit to his misdeeds. His detractors have been nothing but hypocritical.
Take the example of another of our morally upright politicians, Datuk Dr Maximus Johnity Ongkili. Datuk Dr Maximus portrays an image of a morally upright, church-going, incorruptible, rakyat-caring politician. Nothing is further from the truth. Every single trait described is anything but that.
Dr Maximus is married to Datin Joan Maluda and they have two children, a girl who is currently studying in Melbourne, Australia, and an adopted son, who lives in Kota Kinabalu. The public persona of Dr Maximus is that of a committed Christian, who attends the Calvary Church without fail and raises monies for the cause. That was many years ago. Now, Dr Maximus pretends he is busy with his Ministerial work and the PBS party.
The truth is the Minister would rather play golf or spend time with his lovely mistress, Betsy Steven Elfa Emoi, who lives in Tuaran, Kota Kinabalu. Datin Joan Maluda is bed-ridden due to an acute case of arthritis and is not very mobile. This serves the love rat very well and he spends as much time as possible with his mistress.
The Minister normally introduces his mistress to his circle of friends as his cousin. A selected few, however, know the truth. Though she is just a ‘cousin’, the Minister pays for all her expenses including her home, her living expense, her various shopping sprees and for her vehicles such as the one with registration number SK7853. The number plate represents her and his year of birth respectively — ’78 and ’53.
For some strange reason, the Minister has also seen fit to abuse the ministerial perks of the MOSTI agency vehicles and drivers for the personal errands of this so-called cousin.
On the 16th February 2009, when the Minister hosted the CEOs of the various agencies at the Seafood Garden restaurant in Kota Kinabalu, the cousin and a friend turned up. The Menteri is so arrogant that he deems it appropriate to bring his concubine for a free expensive meal at the expense of MOSTI. This is not the first time and neither will it be the last.
Being the Minister in charge of MOSTI provides him with ample avenue to jet off frequently on his many overseas trips. The mistress follows, quietly accompanied by another girlfriend and his trusted crony, who not only pays for her trip but for the Minister’s other expenses as well.
Two such overseas sexual escapades were in Perth from the 4th to the 7th April 2008 and to Jakarta from the 18th to the 23rd July 2008.
In Perth, the cousin stayed in the same hotel as the Menteri did, which is at the 5-Star Sheraton on Adelaide Terrace. Obviously, she stayed in a separate room, paid for by his crony, while the Minister stayed in the Executive suite. After the hectic day of sight-seeing and other useful educational activities, such as time at the Burswood Casino, the Minister retires early for the evening, citing fatigue.
But for some strange reason the ‘cousin’ also mysteriously ‘disappears’. And this is the same pattern over the course of the next few days. Every time the Minister goes missing, so does the cousin. No prize for guessing whom the Menteri is spending ‘quality time’ with. It’s a sexual escapade with the ‘cousin’.
While in Jakarta, the ‘cousin’ stayed at the same hotel as the Menteri, the 6-Star Mulia Senayan.
Again, the modus operandi is the same. The ‘cousin’ takes the same flight or the next flight and always brings another lady friend and is accompanied by a Matchai of the Menteri — so that it looks like a harmless group of friends. As in Perth the cousin/concubine usually stays in a separate room and then slowly slips into the Minister’s room for yet another stress-free sexual escapade.
In the morning, the ‘cousin’ goes shopping while the Menteri pretends to work or plays golf or witnesses some MOU signing ceremony or something similar.
The Menteri is extra-cautious in concealing his extramarital activities. His ‘cousin’ is but just one of his secret liaisons. He has other ‘branch operations’ in Miri, Tawau and Kuala Lumpur.
His constituents, not being very globalised or exposed, are very simple-minded staunch Christians who expect the same of their leader. They will kick his ass if his other, real side is exposed.
Judging from the high moral standards adopted by the BN leaders, should not Maximus do the honourable thing and resign? Fat hopes! This is a man devoid of any shred of moral fibre and the most likely response will be an adamant denial.
Then there will be the predictable legal notice and counter-name calling instead of explaining his liaisons with the cousin/concubine!
Part 1 – Ongkili: Pemimpin Yang Berjiwa Rakyat, Prihatin dan Berwibawa (http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/18983/84/)