Letter to Mat John – Tree Story

Dear Mat John,

Oh man what is happening to this country
Never before ADUNs meet under the tree
Possibly it was the first in our history
Salutes to those ADUNs for the bravery
They showed to us the true democracy

Despite the intimidations by the Kuku Besi
Despite name calling from Zohid and Nazeri
In contrary those two are stupid menteri
Celaka and bodoh are Nazeri’s common vocabulary
While Zohid amassed wealth and live in luxury
As menteri agama he should be an exemplary
In fact he owned fleet of Mercedes and Ferrari
To be exact around 18 cars seen in vicinity
While many struggling to feed the family
Especially now in the struggling economy
Our Menteri Agama collect cars as his hobby

As law enforcer police must be acting in impartiality
When UMNO goons gather in illegal assembly
And they even harassed the OKU in parliament lobby
No actions taken by our IGP or our AG
They only take the Toyo for ride for show only
When Perak Speaker call for DUN assembly
With legitimate order using his authority
The police go beyond their role by blocking the entry
Even Bar Council puzzled with the authority
They even have gut to declare it illegal assembly
Are we on the brink to be Zimbabwe friendly

Read more at: http://kerissilau.blogspot.com/2009/03/letter-to-mat-john-tree-story.html
